Chapter 14: Through His Eyes

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Chapter 14: Through His Eyes

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧

Ominis' POV

Everybody knew that Ominis Gaunt was blind.

Usually, it was just the fact that he constantly held his wand out in front of him to navigate the halls that alluded to his trouble. If it weren't for that small characteristic many would have believed otherwise as he navigated crowds seamlessly and always seemed to know when someone was near or looking at him.

However, if one were to look closely and take more than a few moments to understand the youngest Gaunt, they'd realize they were wrong.

They would find out that his head was always slightly angled to the right and that his blue eyes held a lost sort of haze similar to a nebula. They would notice the way his wand hand would shake when navigating crowds because the noise was amplified to him and he could never properly predict the actions of those around him.

The moral of this is that Ominis Gaunt, whether he liked it or not, was an open book. However, no one ever dared to really look close enough to realize and instead would admire him from afar.

To an extent, that worked to his advantage. No one questioned him or convinced him to do things he did not want to do - he had the fear of the Gaunt name to back him up. He was seemingly unattainable and closed off, so no one annoyed him in passing. But most importantly, no one looked too close, because if they did, they would know that he was unconditionally in love with Aurora Carrow.

He knew she'd be in the library between classes after hearing her read the disappointed letter from her father about her marks slipping. She seemed to mutter under her breath when reading things to herself - something only he seemed to notice.

Merlin, was that considered stalker-ish? He thought to himself as he rounded the bookshelf corner.

He shook off the intrusive thought as his wand made out the slight figure in the back corner that he had come to know as her's. It was that, and the familiar rich vanilla scent she seemed to always wear.

He silently chuckled to himself as he got closer, realizing her head was pressed to the wooden table in a makeshift bed, her history textbook splayed wide open. It seemed her lack of enthusiasm to the subject transcended the classroom as well.

"You know," he started, kicking her chair teasingly with his foot as he took a seat next to her, "studying is usually more productive if you actually read the book."

Ominis heard the paper around her russle and a slight blast of air. He couldn't help but bite back a smile as he knew she shot up surprised at his voice.

"Ominis!" Aurora said, her embarrassment for having fallen asleep - and for getting caught doing so - clear in her voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Decided to check on my favorite Slytherin. Sharp let me out of detention early, something about an accident on the third floor..."


Ominis bit back a smile, "Sebastian may have something to do with a few dungbombs going off. Not my doing though. I do not support such tom foolery."

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