Chapter 5: What's Not Being Said

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Chapter 5: What's Not Being Said

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧

The ancient stones of Hogwarts' Undercroft whispered tales of secrets and shadows, and it was to this secluded place that Aurora found herself drawn. The cool air sent shivers down her spine as she approached the gate, intending to seek solace in the quiet depths below. In her hand she clutched a letter from her mother informing her that she would need to return for the winter holidays - something Aurora absolutely detested and had been able to refrain from doing for the past five years.

Before she could open the gate, hushed voices reached her ears—Sebastian and Ominis arguing. A frown etched across Aurora's face as curiosity overpowered her initial desire for solitude. She lingered by the gate, hidden in the shadows, eavesdropping on the conversation.

Sebastian's voice carried a tone of frustration. "Just tell her, Ominis. You're making this more complicated than it needs to be."

Ominis, however, remained resolute. "I can't, Seb. It's not that simple. I don't want to ruin what we have."

"What you have? Ominis you only lose this way, either you don't tell her and you hate yourself everyday for not doing so, or you do and she says she feels the same and you guys go on to have the most annoyingly smart babies in existence."

"Sebastian," Ominis fired back with a glare that could cut diamond. "That is not what will happen and you know it. She's as hard to read as you are, and I can't even see her! How am I to know how she really thinks and feels."

Aurora's heart quickened. The conversation seemed to revolve around a mysterious girl—one they carefully avoided naming. The mix of jealousy and confusion swirled within her as she strained to understand the unspoken words that danced in the air.

Who was Ominis referring to? Aurora thought back on any woman it could be. Could it be that blonde Hufflepuff he sat next to in History of Magic? They always seemed friendly to one another. She made a mental note to ask Poppy about the girl later.

Sebastian's words pierced through the dim space, snapping Rory out of her thoughts. "She deserves to know. You're not doing anyone a favor by keeping quiet."

Ominis retorted, his tone guarded. "But what if telling her changes everything? I'm not willing to risk that."

This mysterious girl became the focal point of their dialogue, a cipher whose identity Aurora couldn't decipher. She leaned in, straining to catch every fragment of the unspoken tale hoping for a hint of who it was

Sebastian's exasperation laced his next words. "Ominis if you try to distance yourself like you said, you'll only end up hurting your friendship more. Keeping her in the dark isn't fair - and if you don't want to confess just act normal and wait it out, don't ignore her."

Ominis sighed heavily, and Aurora could hear the exhaustion in his voice. Clearly these thoughts had plagued him for a while. "I know."

Aurora's grip tightened on the gate. The subtle acknowledgment of a shared secret, veiled in the guise of this elusive girl, left her emotions in turmoil. Jealousy gnawed at her, intertwined with the hurt of being excluded from their unspoken bond.

Not wanting to listen anymore about this girl, Aurora made a decision. She swung open the gate, revealing herself. Surprise and shock flickered across Sebastian and Ominis's faces as they fell silent immediately.

Aurora, masking her emotions behind a neutral façade, met their gaze with a raised eyebrow. "What's going on here?"

Sebastian and Ominis exchanged glances, searching for a hint of what she might have overheard. Sebastian spoke first, his tone casual. "Hey, Rory. Just a little disagreement. Nothing important."

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