Chapter 13: Confessions in the Common Room

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Chapter 13: Confessions in the Common Room

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧

Three days had passed until Ominis, Aurora, and Sebastian finally all had time to sit down and talk about the Scriptorium. The former two had received a hastily written letter on their way to potions the next day with only the words

Sorry for my silence
Common room tonight at 11.


Ominis had immediately burned the letter with the burner under his cauldron without even opening it, leaving Aurora to relay the news.

She assumed Sebastian chose the common room instead of the Undercroft given its public setting, hoping to decrease the amount of yelling the three would get into. Aurora waited until she could hear the faint snores of Imelda before pulling on a robe and making her way down the stairs into the common room.

Ominis and Sebastian were already down there. Ominis sat on the lounge chair, legs crossed, his head resting on an enclosed fist as he stared into the green flames illuminating the common room. He was the picture of aristocracy, his face set into a grim line as he pointedly ignored Sebastian's pacing in front of the fire place.

At the sound of her footsteps, both boys looked up, Sebastian running his hands through his hair before rushing to approach her.

"Rory, I just want to say I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me the other day, I-"

"That's enough Sebastian," Ominis interrupted him with a pointed glare. "You made it very clear how you felt the other day when you left after casting the cruciatus curse on her."

Aurora shot Ominis a glare at his intrusion, adding a slight huff to convey her annoyance. She usually loved his over protective nature but not after he had pointedly ignored her too the past couple of days.

"Now that's enough from both of you," she said, crossing her arms. "I can speak for myself, thank you."

She took a deep breath before raking her hands through her hair and making her way to the couch, Sebastian following closely behind her.

A heavy silence fell over the three as Sebastian took his spot by the fireplace, wringing his hands anxiously. "Well, firstly, thank you both for meeting tonight. I know I've been absent these past few days-"

Ominis scoffed at his words interrupting, "-quite the understatement."

"-but," Sebastian continued undeterred by his friend, "I have good reason. The book I found in the scriptorium was incredibly useful! I've learned so much, and so everything we did was worth it."

Aurora couldn't help but to reflexively cringe at his words.

Worth it.

Selfishly, she didn't think anything was necessarily worth the torture curse, but she battled with herself trying to see Sebastian's side. After all, she let him cast the curse on her, and she willingly convinced Ominis to even go into the scriptorium.

Still, she couldn't help but to feel the phantom pain from the curse linger and sit deep in her bones.

"Well?" Sebastian prompted, snapping Aurora out of her thoughts.

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