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She looked at the long line before her and sighed in her heart..

The award of school,for recognition of youths..

But in the end,she could not win..

The prize she wanted,she saw it being given to someone else..

There in the crowd,she smiled,but all the way back home,her eyes held tears..

What was that,she wondered..

Why was she so disappointed,it was just a small trophy..

Was recognition that important,she wondered,as she walked back to school the next day.

The winner of the award sat,as if moon amongst stars,and her words had some jarring for her too..

She walked slowly towards the classroom and again picked up her books..

And noticed the missing books from her bag..

Who took it away,alongwith that lipstick she liked..

Alongwith that little story book she loves..

Who took her things,she wondered..

But looked at the dustbin,and knew,those were there,as petty vegenance..

She closed her teary eyes,as her heart ached..

Looking at the names of her written with someone's name,she gulped the bile from her throat..

As that greesy person came closer,calling her darling,she ran away,not wanting to stay a minute closer .

Not realising her heart was palpitating with nervousness,her hands were shaking..

How did a simple competition turn into something like that,she sat under the tree and wondered..

Missing the silent umbrella that waited for her in the corner..

Missing the sun,waiting for her to go back home .

She sat,submerged in a dream,where everything was perfect..

Drinking herself to illusion..

When a beautiful reality awaited for her,to take few steps..

The dream broke,with the knock of worry,hunger and debt..

She woke up,and walked down the stairs .

And laughed,looking at the piles of awards,that the sweeper was sweeping,infront of her to fire..

Heartfelt HeartacheWhere stories live. Discover now