Once again you started,the game of betrayal..

While laughing kindly,you stabbed in the back of mine,

While listening to someone else,you added poison to my wine..

And gladly I have drunk it,not even stopping for a bit..

Because somewhere I had hope,that may be one day,

One day you would see,what you chase is so humourously small..

That is nothing infront of the sweet smile of the sweet child whose smile you took away,

With your fake friendship..

And the destroyed pages of diaries..

But dear,do you really dare,to play this game of death with me?

You know,I feel like strangling you and pulling each of your teeth out right now,

Quite a poisonous snake you are,

Hissing quite a lot,even without any capabilities..

Heartfelt HeartacheWhere stories live. Discover now