Measured Movements

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Walking carefully around your room,so that I donot disturb the sleep you got,

After busy workdays..

Or not talking more than few words,so that you donot get irritated,

I am well practiced with it..

Not calling for days,not writing for days,not sending you anything,that you would notice I did..

These are all familiar measured Movements..

I am quite habituated,with walking alone in the dark alleys,

Eating alone waiting for you..

Or drinking cups of alcohol together with you,or carrying you back home to your beloved's arms..

These are measured movements,really..

Does not matter, whether you are man or woman..

With you I have learnt many lessons..

Actually humans have taught me many lessons,in a way..

That sometimes love needs to be measured too..

Unmeasured love,it is thrown away like waste tissues,used a single time,

So each day,I just try,to find a way,to keep this love in check..

With measured movements..

With silence..

With fake smiles.

With dreaded dreams..

And welcomed nightmares..

Still,it's my most beautiful movement..

Atleast I got to do those measured movements for you..

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