Lessons learnt

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People read books to gain lessons meant to be used in life..

But you are my lessons .

Unplanned,you came to my life,like stars, beautiful and bright..

But it seems,even destiny planned it out,me crossing over to hold you close..

But why are my arms gone,now that I look back..

Why am I a looser,in this game of love?

Why do I bow down, everytime,loosing everything for love?

Even at times I ask myself in the silent space of my own..

But all I hear is echo of my own words,that calls out,

Calling me a looser..

Playing a loosing game.

Lessons of my life,stay happy,however you are..

With your charisma and charms..

With your beauty and brain,with your smile and gains..

Lessons learnt,stay happy in your own space..

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