Dead Valentine

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You forgot the year before this..

When I was drowning a pool of deads,and wished for you to reach out atleast..

Oh you reached out..

How can I forget?

With your incessant chatter about how good you are to me,how much sacrifices you did..

Darling it's getting boring,you know..

You donot even know,a letter of sacrifice..

Because sacrifice starts with S,and it is silent..

It is not the scream of dark nights,but the sun of the dark hour..

Sorry,to brust your bubble of self imagination..

You were incapable of sacrifice..

Except of killing a soul,you are incapable of anything else..

Except of haunting you are incapable of anything else..

Yes,life is beautiful..

And you are too..

But the valentines before,it seems like I just talked to dead..

Was it worth it,the love and trust I had put on you?


You have long sold my love and trust infront of the ego of who you are..

But have you ever questioned, actually who you are?

No need..

You won't find answer too..

Just let it be..

Let the day arrive .

As dead Valentine..

I donot want to dream about anything anymore..

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