Listening to the derilious thoughts,dense darkness,sweet and tempting..
Still,sitting beside,lending a hand to hold when you feel apart,
Still assuring you, everything is going to be okay,even when I could feel my life being drained out of me,
Drinking the glasses of poison you made me drink,eating the peanuts that you bought,still smiling..
Even when uncomfortable,even when breathing became hard,
Still,you did not stop..
And I stood there,helpless,hopeless .
Still trusting you with everything I could..
Even when you took me to that place,when I was not willing to even breathe..
Still trusting you with everything I have..
I smiled in pain..
As my bones fell apart,with the touch of darkness in you..
And I laid,eyes open,waiting for the dawn..
Still trusting,atleast in the dawn,you would smile at me to bid me goodbye.
But you made me look like a crazy person,
Even my words stolen from lips..
Even my voice gone..
And dare to ask about trust..