Jars of memory

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Looking at the crystal glass,in it swirling the burgundy liquid,that you made with so much care,

Just like your lips,the liquid carried a faint fragrance of cherry,sweet,but bitter..

Drinking it days after days,I watched you,as you started questioning me,about you..

Afterall it was a drink made to forget you,by you..

My darling dearest..

You have magic in your hands,that day I had wishpered..

While looking at your hands,wondering,how much labour you put yourself into,

To study the coconation to make me forget you..

The last night,the last jar,I sat sipping it,as I closed my eyes,

Asking you your name..

The smile of satisfaction on your lips,for your success in research,of making me forget..

Trust me if that is the reward,I am ready to go mad,each day..

And the lingering gaze of yours,as you looked at me,walking by,not noticing you..

I still keep them safe..

May be that is what gave me hope..

That one day,may be,that gaze would be of love,of longing and of smile..

I am still keeping you safe in the jars of memory

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