Fallen stars

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When did the perfect sky collapse?

Was it because of any darkness?

Or any ex lover coming to break a home?

Or someone childishly wounding heart?

Or was it meant to be broken?

Tell me,the great ones,sitting closed eyed for years to listen something..

What made me so broken?

You cannot..

Your cowardly self cannot..

It takes a lot of courage to look into the eyes of yourself and see..

The little wicked glint passing through it,when you learn something good,

Or master something great..

And want to dance as if drunk,the dance of death and destruction..

Tell me,looking into your own eyes,your pain,it's cause,

It's something else not you..

I know..

You won't look into your eyes,or you would scream something to cover yourself up..

So,dear fallen stars..

Nothing made you fall..

You were never stars of sky..

You were just stars,dancing on the tune of your ego..

At least now..

Dance in the tune of love..

At this moment of farewell..

Sing a little to the sleepless eyes that guard you..

And kill the heart everyday some more,that loves you..

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