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Somewhere right in the middle of sky,exists a realm,

Of darkness..

Where creatures of past loom over the pathways,guarding it with menacing teeths and nails..

At times they appear as if the most beautiful dream,enticing their victims,

To the realm of darkness .

After having the fun they can,they leave their victims craving for more,

As if sirens calling for sailors in nights...

As if wolves howling at the moon in night,

They embrace the pathway ahead,in their embrace,

Warning any creature,with voice deep and dense,sometimes sweet and sugary..

But words are same .


We do not forgive any intruder..

Go back or suffer our wrath..

This passage is not something that can be touched .

In the realm of darkness,they dance,sing,alongwith the music of the musician,

That drifts beyond everything,as if drunk,with the melody of nights .

Sometimes the musician goes,on his boat,with a long hat,with transparent veil covering his face .

To check on the realm of darkness..

Walking step by step,he watches the sprawled bodies,drunk with esctasy,

Or battered bodies,tired of running around .

And walks step by step,sometimes halting when seeing a known face..

Sometimes for unknown strangers..

And again the realm of darkness opens,to let them out,who have served the punishment..

As the musician puts an indifferent smile,riding his boat,away..

Towards his home..

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