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To break my smile,do you think you are worthy?

You could not even look straight in my eyes,and ran to cry to your dear wife..

To fight for you,and you think you are worthy to look into my eyes?

No matter what you do,listen to this well..

You are not worth me loosing my cool..

And if you think,I would go on my knees for someone and grievel infront of you,

For her love..

Then congratulations..

You can have that love..

I too want her to see..

Her own worth..

Till now,I have been playing a loosing game,for love..

From now on..

I won't play any game,for anything,not even love..

So,go for it..

But you are already a looser..

With a capital L..

Because you could never love,even yourself like I do..

That is your worth..

That you need me to even teach you,how to love..


Heartfelt HeartacheWhere stories live. Discover now