Elisa Maza

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On early morning, Elisa Maza went upstairs. She is at the clock tower. She sees Gargoyles how they are doing. But they are stone now. So, she goes downstairs. She was driving her police car on the street of New York City. She was patrolling. She listens to the police radio. The operator confirmed robbers had been breaking into the museum. She gets up microphone. She understands. Elisa was racing to the museum. She arrived at the museum. She draws her pistol to armed herself. She ran towards the museum. She entered the museum. The door was broken. Glass is scattered on floor. She walks toward the entrance lobby. She finds the security guard. But he was unconscious. Elisa begins to walk to check what is going on. She went upstairs. She went to Japanese gallery. She was investigating. She wandered around. Museum display stand glass was broken. Ancient architect was missing. She keeps walking around. She finds the culprit. It was Wolf, Hyena and Jackal. They have architect. Elisa ordered them to freeze. She pointed his weapon at them. They put their hands up to the air. Then, they ran. Elisa fired his pistol. But she missed. She pursued them. They ran. She continued ran to after them. But Wolf, Hyena and Jackal end up dead end. There is no place to escape. She has them. She pointed her pistol at them. Elisa is ready to fire his gun. This time, she wouldn't miss. Before firing her gun, Fox kicked and knocked her gun out. She is disarmed. She have to fight hand-to-hand. Both begin to fight. Fox leap, kick, chop. She blocks her attack. Elisa strikes back. She kicks Fox, sends it to the ground. Hyena, Wolf attack. They strike her. They punch, kick. She blocks their attack. They launched an attack again. She blocks them. Hyena is going to attack. She blocks his attack. She grabs his arm; knee strikes his stomach and throws him to ground. Then Wolf attacked, hit her back. She is unconscious. Later, Elisa ends up in a cell in an unknown facility. She was unconscious. She wakes up. She is getting up from bed. She is looking around. She doesn't know where she is. And she is naked, exposed her breasts. She is getting up. She has nice big breasts and muscular physique. She starts walking around. She walks towards the mirror. She looks at herself in the mirror. She has nice big breasts, muscular physique, public hair on her sexy vagina. Elisa touching her big breasts. She has nice big nipples. She is touching her vagina. She has public hair on her vagina. She towards toilet. She pees. Then, someone opened the door. She took dental floss. She behind door. Guard open door. He brings food. She is using floss to grab his neck. She is strangling him. He starts to choke. Then, she killed him. So, Elisa took her holster, his security card, his weapon. She took off. She ran hallway. She stops. She stays behind the wall. Two security guards were patrolling the hallway. They passed by. Then, she keeps moving. She continued ran hallway. Then, the security guard spotted them. He ordered to halt. He raised his weapon and fired it. She dodged, went behind the hall. Elisa pops out. She returns fire. She manages kill one guard. She took his weapon too. She keeps moving. Security guards spotted them. They fired at her. She escapes. She continues ran hallway. Then, she ends up in the computer room. It was Dr. Anton Sevarius. He was talking to Xanatos. Sevarius confirmed his robots are ready. So, he ends communication. He turns around. He was surprised Elisa was awake. But she is demanding what is she. He tells her she is no longer in New York City. She is now in Mexico. She is cocking her rifle. She is ready to fire. He haunts her that she would stop him. So, he sends his robots to stop her. Door open. They walk toward her. She is ready to defend herself. She fired her weapons. They fired too. Then, she went behind the computer system. Elisa Maza manages to destroy two of them. She is ready to be fired again. She ran, dodged underneath them. She discards her guns. She grabs energy staff weapon. The robots launched an attack. Both begin to fight. Both are even matched. Both engage in staff fights. She swings her staff. The energy bolt has directly to robot's chest. It caused it to shut down. Two more. She leaps on the computer. The robots went after him. She leaps. They accidentally hit the computer. It caused goes circuit, explode. They explode too. Sevarius was disappointed. The room, facility go explode. So, she leaves. She ran hallway. Elisa ends up hangar bay. She gets in a boat. She starts to row. She continues to row. She finally makes it of Sevarius' facility. Then, it explodes. She makes out safety. It is night. She is rowing boat. On next morning, she rows her boat. Then, she ends up in coast of Guatemala. She makes land. She is getting out of the boat. She walks on the beach. Then, she walks through the jungle forest. It is hot. Elisa is sweating. She pees, pooping. 

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