Elisa Maza Part 12

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On one morning, insects chirp. Crocodiles hiss. Elisa Maza is on another journey. She carried her children in cloth strips. She rows her boat in rainforest of Guatemala. She continues to row her boat. She stops. She makes to land. Elisa hugged Daniel and Michaela. She keeps her babies to stay safe. She is getting out of the boat. She carried her lamp. She walks in the swamp. She continues to walk. Then, two eyes appear. She knows she has been watching. Someone is behind her. Elisa heard a noise. Someone growls. She turns around. She sees hominin again. She charged. Elisa draws her gun. She ran into her. It caused her weapon to drop. She is pleased to see Elisa again. She introduced herself, Ogahada. Both wrestled each other. Both are even matched. She kicks her off to ground. She charged towards her again. She throws a punch. Elisa grabs Ogahada's arm, throws her to the ground. She kicks her face. She throws a few punches at her face. Ogahada decided to call off the attack. She retreats. Elisa hugged her children. They are safe. She picks up her pistol, lamp. She moves on. Ogahada wandered in the rainforest. She continues to walk. Then, she feels nauseous. She vomits. She squatted. She pees, poops. Her urine is dark. She is pregnant. She is touching her belly. She will be the mother of her unborn child. So, she wandered deep in the rainforest. Elisa continues to walk in the rainforest. She arrived at the house. She has been to that house before. Young boy was working in farm. It is Pablo. He turns around. He sees Elisa Maza walking. He is glad to see her again. She walks towards him. She hugged Pablo. He tells her it has been a while. Pablo sees her son again. He also sees another baby. Elisa introduced her daughter, Michaela. Baby giggled. She gives birth to her in Japan. He tells Elisa her daughter is beautiful. He is petting her hand. She smiled. So, they went to his house. They enter house. They went to the kitchen. His mother was doing dishes. His father was sitting next to a table. He was reading the newspaper. He tells his parents he is home. They welcomed him home. She was surprised with young, dark-skinned woman. Diego was delighted to see Elisa Maza again. He remembers her son. He introduced his wife, Gianna. She greeted her. So, Elisa sat down next to the table. Gianna gives her cup of coffee, food. She appreciated their hospitality. She tells them about their children. She tells Gianna she found her adoptive son in Louisiana where werewolf killed his biological parents. She gives birth to her daughter in Japan. She took care of, raise her children. She hugged them. It is night. Elisa is in the bedroom. She is sitting on a chair. She hugged, rocking her Daniel, Michaela. She begins to breastfeed them. They suck mom's breastmilk. Then, she put them in crib. She went to bed. Both went to sleep. On next morning, Elisa helped Pablo. They are working on a farm. They continue to take care of animals. Then, they decided to take a break. Elisa takes a towel to dry herself. She takes a drink. She drinks her water bottle. They went inside. It is evening. Elisa, Pablo, and his family are having dinner in the family room. He tells them dinner is good. They told her they were glad she liked the meal. Pablo asks Elisa to go to the rainforest tomorrow. She is delightful. After dinner, Elisa is in the bathroom. She decided to take a shower. She is holding her children. She is naked. She turns on a warm shower. She is getting into a shower. She washes herself, Daniel, Michaela. She is playing with them. She is holding her son to the air. Baby giggled. She smiled and laughed. Her daughter was resting on mom's breast. Their mom is beautiful. She has a nice brown skinned athletic body. Then, she hugged her children. She turns off the shower. Elisa takes a towel to dry herself, her children. After showering, both are clean. She put on her pajamas. Elisa hugged her children. They are resting on mom's chest. She sits on a chair. She begins to breastfeed them. They suck mom's breastmilk. She is a good mom. She takes care of, protect her children. Then, she put her children in the crib. They are sleeping. So, Elisa is getting into bed. She went to sleep. On next morning, Elisa and Pablo are on an adventure. She carried her children in cloth strips. They walk through the rainforest of Guatemala. Elisa has been Guatemala before. They continue to walk. Then, they arrived at the ancient temple. They enter an ancient temple. Then, Ogahada appears. She sees ancient temple. She enters the temple too. Elisa and Pablo walk through the tunnel. She got a flashlight. They see ancient petroglyphs. She tells him it is very old. They keep moving on. They continue to walk through the tunnel. They stop. They see ancient jewel on the altar. They walk towards it. Then, Ogahada tells them to stop here. They turn around. She sees Ogahada again. She must follow their trail. She asked them to hand over the jewel. Pablo handed over the jewel to her. She ordered them to move. They begin to walk out of the temple. Then, they are finally out of temple. It is evening. Elisa turned around, punched her face. She tells him to run. He ran to hide. Elisa and Ogahada begin to fight. Both are even matched. She throws a punch. She caught her arm, threw her to the ground. Then, she kicks her face. She fell to the ground. She is about to finish her. Then, Guatemalan Gargoyles has arrived. They fly, land. They roared. They battled her. She roared back. He throws a punch at her. She blocks her attack. She kicks him. Then, he uses his long tail to wrap her, toss her to ground. She is getting up. She retreats. Elisa is glad to see Guatemalan Gargoyles again. Zafiro, Obsidiana, Jade, and Turquesa are delighted to see Elisa again. She tells her it has been a while. She tells him she has traveled across the world to stop Xanatos' commandos. She had two children. So, they take her to their castle. They fly to the castle. Zafiro holding Elisa. They fly in the sky. Then, they make it to their castle. They land it. So, Elisa Maza, Guatemalan Gargoyles clans take walk around castle. They are having a conversation. They went inside. They enter the room. Zafiro tells Elisa her children are beautiful. She takes care of them well. So, Elisa is back in the river. She has her children. She is ready for next journey. She bids farewell to Pablo, Guatemalan Gargoyles clans. She starts row her boat. 

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