Elisa Maza Part 9

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After battle with commandos, Elisa Maza and her Daniel Maza are on a journey. She carried her son in cloth strip. She is now 9 months pregnant. She rows her boat in the river. She is in Japan. Elisa sees the mountain. There is Mount Fuji. Cherry blossom petals blowing in air. She continues rowing. She stops. She is getting out of the boat. She is heading to the forest. She walks around in the forest. She decided to get something to eat. She was stalking herds of wild boars. Elisa was aiming her pistol at it. Then, she fired it. She caught one. After the hunt, she built a fire. She is cooking her food. Then, she starts to eat her breakfast. After breakfast, she hugged Daniel. She is rubbing her pregnant belly. She will give birth to her unborn daughter. Daniel is going to be a big brother. She has nice big chocolate breasts, chocolate athletic body. Her breasts and nipples are bigger throughout her pregnancy. Her nipples are thicker. Then, she onwards. She carried her son. She wandered around the forest. She continues to walk. She sees a small town. She is heading to town. Elisa enters Shirakawa. She walks around. She went to the shop. Man was clean up. He tells her it is close. She asked him to stay night. He replied she can stay here. He introduced himself, Ishikawa. She introduced herself, Elisa Maza, second class detective from NYPD. They went upstairs. They enter his house. They went to the dining room. His wife was doing dishes. She turns around to her husband. She was surprised with young, dark-skinned woman. He introduced her wife, Yuki. He introduced to her wife, Elisa Maza, second class detective from NYPD. She meets her acquaintance. So, Elisa sits at the table. She gives her a cup of water, food. She eats her meal. She drinks water. Yuki tells her she is pregnant. She replies she is. She is going to have a baby girl. They congrats her. Ishikawa tells Elisa he is a beautiful boy. She replied he is. He is her son. She found him where his biological parents are killed by werewolf. She saved his life. She raised him as her own child. Then, Elisa Maza was in the bathroom. She sits on the toilet. She pees, pooping. Then, she took a shower. She washes herself, her son. He hugged him. He is resting on mom's breast. She is rubbing her pregnant belly. She feels baby moving. After showering, she is in the guest room. She wears a kimono. She tied her hair to a bun. Elisa hugging, rocking Daniel. He was sleeping. She starts to breastfeed him. He sucks mom's breastmilk. On afternoon, Ishikawa, Yuki are working in store. Elisa helps around. On one evening, she is heading out. She walks around town. She carried her son. She sees commandos patrolling. She went behind the wall. They passed by. She ran. She is heading to the forest. Then, two soldiers spotted them. They ordered her to halt. They fired at her. She dodged it, went behind the wall. She pops out, returns fire. She shot one soldier. Reinforcements arrived. Elisa went back. He fired again. Then, she sees Gargoyles. They roared. They punch, kick, and throw them around like ragdolls. They are defeated. They retreat. The clan leader asked her if she was ok. She replied she is fine. He introduced himself, Haruo. He also introduced his clan, Kaori, Raiden, Yogi, and Genki. She introduced to them, Elisa Maza, second class detective from NYPD. She also introduced her child, Daniel. He tells her what brought her here. She has kidnaps by Anton Sevarius. So, she has been traveling stop commandos. So, they take her to their castle. They fly. They make it to the castle. They land on castle. Then, woman appears. She welcomed them back. She was surprised with young, dark-skinned woman. She introduced herself, Michiko. She is a servant of this castle. So, they went inside the castle. They go downstairs. They enter the room. They went towards the fireplace. Haruo shows a picture. They are guardians of Shirakawa. It has passed on to future generations. So, Michiko and Elisa Maza take a walk. It is night. They walk hallway. Both are having a conversation. Then, she feels contraction. She asked her if she was ok. She feels fine. They heard an explosion. It must be a battle. Then, it is getting worse. She is moaning in pain. She takes her to the bathroom. Shirakawa Gargoyles are battling commandos. They fired at them. They fly in the air. They punch, kick, and throw them around. They must defend the castle. At bathroom, Elisa Maza is ready to have her unborn child. Elisa is now naked again. She leans to wall. She decided to take her kimono off, untied her hair. She tells her to take a deep breath. She is breathing heavily. She is moaning in pain. Then, her water broke. She is lying down on the floor. Michiko will help her give birth to her baby. She tells her to push the baby. She sees a baby's head. She is screaming in pain. She tells her she is a beautiful mom. So does her baby. Shirakawa Gargoyles continues battling commandos. They fired at them. They dodged it. They punch, kick, and throw them around. They are defeated. Haruo tells them to leave. They retreat. But two commandos manage to break into. Elisa breathing heavily. She continues to scream in pain. Michiko tells her she almost got it. She got her baby. She tells her to push one more time. Then, the baby is out. She has her baby. The baby cried. She congrats her it is baby girl. She looks like her mother. She has same dark skin as her mom. She was covered with blood. Michiko cut umbilical cord. She cried happily, hugged her. Michiko asked her what the child's name was. She will name her, Micheala. Two commandos are running in the hallway. Elisa Maza was sweaty. She is getting up to protect the castle. She tells Michiko to protect her children. She is holding them. She ran off. She spotted two soldiers. Elisa opened fire. She manages to shoot one. She slid on the ground, went behind the wall. She opened fire. She missed. She pops out, returns fire. She hit her gun, caused to inoperable. Both begin in hand-to-hand combat. Female commando launch attack. Elisa blocked, whack her stomach with her elbow. Then, she hit her back with her elbow. Female commando attack again. Sher punches, kicks. She dodged it. She grabs katana, stab her, and kill her. The fight is over. On next morning, Michiko grateful for Elisa to save castle. So, Elisa decided to departure for another journey. She bids farewell. Elisa carried her children, Daniel, and Michaela. She starts rowing her boat in the river. At lab, scientists analyzed another feces. They look at microscope. David Xanatos appears. He tells them if they found something. The lead scientist found another human feces. They determined it belong to female. She indicates she must be pregnant. 

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