Elisa Maza Part 25

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Goliath, Elisa, and clan are now entering Macbeth's mansion. Angela asks her father where they should look. Goliath had a plan. He tells them they will split up. Goliath, Elisa, and Angela will go to the courtyard. Brooklyn, Lexington, Bronx will go to Library. Broadway, Hudson will check at Great Room. So, they go separate ways to find Macbeth, Ogahada, Demona. Brooklyn, Lexington, Bronx walks in the hallway. Bronx sniff out. Surveillance camera watching them. Brooklyn asks Bronx if he finds everything. They continue to walk. But he sniffs out. Bronx find something. He open door. They enter Library. They look around. Lexington asks Bronx if he finds everything. Then, someone behind them. It was Demona. She leaps, flying into them. Her eyes glow red. She roared. She knocks them out. Both begin to fight. They get up. Their eyes glow. They roared. Lexington roared. He throws a punch. She grabs his fists. Demona knocks him off, sends him to the wall. Then, Bronx leaps on her. He roared. Both wrestled on the ground. She kicks him off. Brooklyn roared. He charged. He rams, knocks her out. She crashes into the bookshelves. Demona gets up. She roared. While Broadway and Hudson walk in the hallway. He asks Hudson if he finds everything. They continue to walk. They found the door. Hudson opens the door. They enter the Great Room. They look around. They found nothing. Goliath, Elisa, and Angela walk in the hallway. Angela asks her father if they find everything. He replied they hadn't found her yet. Surveillance camera watching them. They continue to walk. Elisa tells Goliath they must stay vigilant. Then, they now enter the courtyard. They look around. Elisa asks him if they found Ogahada, Macbeth yet. Then, Ogahada and Macbeth were behind them. They turn around. They look up. There they are. Elisa pulls out her pistol. She ordered them to halt. Ogahada tells them to welcome. She is glad to see them again. Goliath asks them what they want. Macbeth replied they battle for honor. Goliath, Elisa, Angela are ready to defend themselves. Macbeth, Ogahada leaps off. They begin to attack. Macbeth launches an attack on Goliath, Angela. He kicks Angela. He rams into Goliath. Ogahada battled Elisa. She throws kicks. She blocks her attack. She knocks her off. She leaps on her. She punches her a few times. Macbeth ram into Goliath. His eyes glow. He roared. Macbeth throws punch. He caught his hand. He throws him to the ground. Elisa keeps punching Ogahada. Then, she kicks her off. While Lexington, Bronx, Brooklyn continue to battle Demona. They roared. They charged. Demona knock Lexington off, send to bookshelves. Bronx leaped and attacked her. He growls. She kicks him off. Demona tells them they have won this time. She will return. She flied away. Then, Brooklyn, Bronx, Lexington ran to help Goliath, Elisa, Angela. Macbeth continued to battle Goliath and Angela. He throws a punch. Angela dodged it. She knocks him out with one blow. They roared. Elisa and Ogahada continue to fight. She throws a punch. Elisa caught her arm. She whacks her stomach with her knee. Then, she knocks her back with her elbow. Then, Hudson, Broadway, Brooklyn, Lexington, Bronx arrived to help their friends. Their eyes glow. They roared. Demona appears Ogahada and Macbeth are outnumbered. She tells them they have won this time. Then, aircraft appears. They get into aircraft. It took off. Inside aircraft, Ogahada tells him they should destroy them, Macbeth wouldn't be there will be no honor. He tells her to lighten up. Hudson tells them if they are ok. Goliath replied they are fine. Broadway tells them they didn't stop them. Elisa tells them not to worry. They will be back. Goliath tells them it is time to go home. They fly back to their clock tower. Back at their home, Gargoyles are relaxing. Broadway, Brooklyn, Lexington are playing video games. Hudson and Bronx are watching TV. Elisa appreciated Goliath for helping fight Ogahada and Macbeth. Now it is time for Elisa go to home. She wishes them good night. Back at her apartment, she is ready to go to bed. She is taking a shower. She is naked. The shower is on. She gets into the shower and closes the door. She carried her son, her daughter. She begins to wash herself, her children. She has a nice athletic chocolate body. She continues to wash herself, her children. After shower, the shower is off. Elisa used a towel to dry herself, Daniel, and Michaela. She brushes her teeth. She walks out of the bathroom. She put on her pajamas. She hugged, petting her son, her daughter. She is humming a lullaby. Elisa begins to breastfeed them. She rolls her pajamas top, exposed her chocolate breasts. She has nice big nipples. They suck mom's breastmilk. After feeding them, she put Daniel and Michaela in crib. She walks toward bed. She gets in bed. Elisa turns off the light. They went to sleep. At Eyrie building, David Xanatos, Ogahada are having conversation. She hugged, petting Zamok. She tells him they should destroy Elisa and Gargoyles. David tells her to be patient. Zamok cried. She is petting him to stay calm. He will send commandos and Steel clans to help her. She accepts. So, she left his office. She closed the door. Ogahada rolls her strap top, exposed her big chocolate breast. She breastfeeds her son. He sucks mom's breastmilk. He tells him not to worry. Mommy will protect him. Soon, she will destroy Elisa Maza, Gargoyles. 

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