Elisa Maza Part 10

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On the next morning, construction workers are working in the rainforest. They are cutting wood. Bulldozers digging. They put dirt on the dump truck. Two construction workers went to a cave. They turn on their flashlights. They walk in the tunnel hallway. They see ancient paintings on the wall. They are amazed. They continue to walk in the tunnel. They continued walking. He tells him if he heard something. He replied he didn't. They heard it again. It growls. They turn around. They see something got them. They scream in fear. After battle with commandos, Elisa Maza drives her boat. She carried her children, Daniel, and Michaela, in cloth strip. She continues to drive. She sees land. She drives towards to land. She is getting out of the boat. Elisa is now in Mexico. She walks on the beach's water edge. She is heading to the rainforest. She walks through the rainforest. It will be warm by afternoon. She is sweaty and filthy. She continues to walk. She decided to take a shower. Elisa walks through the rainforest. Then, she arrived at the waterfall. She walks towards the river. She pees on river, poops on ground. So, she is getting into a waterfall. She is naked. She has nice big dark-skinned breasts, big dark nipples, and a dark-skinned muscular body. Their mother is beautiful, sexy. She starts to wash herself, her children. Then, she is playing with Daniel and Michaela. She dives him into water. She swims with her. Babies giggled. She smiled and laughed. Someone is watching her. Young boy watching young, naked dark-skinned woman playing with her baby children in river. Elisa has been watching. She turns around. She sees a young boy. She tells him not to be afraid. He tells her he is not afraid. So, he introduced himself, Yooko. She introduced herself, Elisa Maza, second class detective of NYPD. He tells her she has beautiful babies. She introduced her son Daniel, her daughter Michaela. She found her adoptive son in Louisiana where his biological parents are killed by werewolf. She gives birth to her daughter in Japan. So, Yooko asked her to take her to his home. Elisa is delightful. They walk in the rainforest. They make it to his village. They walk around the village. They went to his hut. Yooko tells his parents he is home. His mother and father are glad he is back. They are surprised by young, dark-skinned woman. She sits down next to the table. They give her coffee and food. She drinks it. She eats her food too. She is grateful for hospitality. They introduced themselves, Mateo, and his wife Ainara. She introduced to them, Elisa Maza, second class detective of NYPD. She introduced her children, Daniel, and Michaela. She found her adoptive son in Louisiana where his biological parents are killed by werewolf. She gives birth to her daughter in Japan. They are surprised. Yooko asked her if she want to go to forest with him tomorrow. She accepts. On next day, Elisa, Yooko walk in rainforest. She wears a poncho. They continued walking. They see a construction site. He asked her what they were doing. She tells him they are building something. She was intending to figure it out. Elisa talking to a construction worker. He tells her they went to a cave. He also tells her their workers haven't seen for a few days. They haven't come back. He gives her a flashlight. So, Elisa, her friend, went to the cave. They now enter the cave. They walk in the tunnel hallway. They look at the wall. Yooko asks her what she see. She replied they see ancient cave painting. She stated it must be thousands, thousands of years old. So, they keep moving on. They continued walking. She shines flashlight on ground. They found something. They found the helmet of a construction worker. But no sign of worker. They keep investigating. They continue walking in the tunnel hallway. Then, Elisa, Yooko saw skeleton of prehistoric animal. These are bones of Mammoth. They continue their investigation. They continue walking. Yooko walk around. But he lost. He got separated. He walks back. Then, he fell off into a pit. He shouts. Someone got him. Elisa heard Yooko. So, she ran. She stops at the pit. She didn't see him. So, she walks to find her friend. She continues to walk. She has found him. He was sitting next to the fire. He warns her to stay away. She gets closer. Then, wild man jumps, attack Elisa. He is prehistoric man. He is muscular. He roared. He frightened her with his club. She pulls her pistol, aiming at him. He is ready to strike. Yooko tells her to stop. He didn't mean he harmed anyone. He put his club down. He tells her he was protecting someone. So, he shows her something. He pulls cloth blinds. He reveals his mate was pregnant. She was laying down. She is ready to give birth to her unborn child. She is breathing heavily, screaming in pain. Yooko tells Elisa her water broken after we enter cave. Elisa is ready to help give birth to her child. She starts to push her baby. She sees a baby's head. She keeps pushing. She continues to scream in pain. Elisa got baby. She pushes one more time. The baby is out of the womb. Baby cried. Elisa tells her baby is beautiful. It is a boy. He was covered with blood. She uses a knife to cut umbilical cord. She gives child to his mom. His mom is beautiful and muscular. She has dark skin, large breasts, dark nipples. Then, he shows cave painting. Yooko states his kind had live peacefully. He also points out people has accounting wild people at night in past years. Flashback to ancient times. On one night, one prehistoric woman was sitting next to campfire. She sees shooting star. It was glowing. It is likely a meteor. It crashed into her. It granted her immortality. She possesses super strength and durability. On one night, she was able to fight Prehistoric man. She tosses him around, sends him to boulder. Flashback to the present day. Then, two eyes appear. It growls. Saber-toothed cat appears. It roared. It leaps. Elisa tells him to get away. She pulls out her pistol. But it jumps on her. She tried to shake it off. He grabs, toss it to ground. It is getting up. It launches another attack. Both begin to fight. It leaps on him. It bites, clawed him. Both wrestled each other. It attacks him again until he was bleeding to death. He died from his wounds. His mate grabs it, tossed it around with her super strength. It roared. She roared back. Both begin to fight. It charged. It tried to jump on her. She grabs it. Both wrestled each other. She gains the upper hand. Elisa tells him to leave. Both ran, escape cave. The saber-toothed cat pursued them. Both ran to the rainforest. Then, Yooko fell. It is getting closer. But cavewoman grab it, toss it to ground. It roared. She roared back. Both charged each other. Both fighting, wrestling each other. She stabs it, kill it. The fight is over. She lifts it to the air. She roared. She carried her baby child, went to cave. Yooko appreciated Elisa to help. So, both heading back to village. 

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