Elisa Maza Part 6

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After battle with commandos, Eliza Maza was rowing her boat. She carried Daniel in cloth strip. She is in the South Atlantic Ocean. She continues rowing. She sees land. She rows her boat. Elisa getting out of the boat. She takes her tools. She now is in Argentina. She walks beach along water's edge. She is heading to the forest. She walks through the forest. It will be warm by afternoon. She is sweaty and filthy. She decided to something eat. She was stalking herds of antelopes. They are eating. One antelope scent danger. They flee. She begins to pursue them. She continues to pursue them. Elisa throws her spear. It goes through the heart. She caught one. It died from blood loss. Then, she built a fire. She is cooking her food. Then, she eats her breakfast. After breakfast, she hugged, petting her son. She begins to breastfeed him. He sucks mom's breastmilk. Then, Elisa Maza moves on. She continues to walk through the forest. Then, she sees the city. She sees light. This is Buenos Aires. So, she starts heading to the city. She now enters the city. She walks around. Then, thugs appear. They blocked her path. Baby cried. Elisa hugged, petting him to keep him safe. One thug took out his knife. He asked her to give him money. She denied. She will defend herself. The thug leader ordered his gangs to get her. Both begin to fight. They attack her. Elisa blocks, punches, kicks. She grabs the thug's arm. She whacks his stomach with her knee. Then, she whacks his back with her elbow. He tells them to retreat. She hugged Daniel not to worry. Mommy will protect him. So, she keeps moving on. She continues walk city. Then, she stops at a restaurant. Young man, woman was clean up, ready to close. He tells her it is close. She was looking to stay for night. He tells her she can stay. He introduced himself, Gabriel. He also introduced his wife, Delfina. She introduced herself, Elisa Maza, second class detective of NYPD. She meets their acquaintance. Both shake hands. He tells her he is a beautiful baby. She tells him he is her son. She found him in the Louisiana swamp. His biological parents are killed by werewolf. So, she takes care of, raises her own child. Then, at her apartment upstairs. Gabriel gives her coffee and food. She drinks her coffee. She eats her food too. Elisa was grateful for him. He welcomed her. Then, he sits down. Both are having a conversation. Then, kids come home from school. Delfina welcomed them home. Gabriel introduced his kids, Benicio, Isabella. He introduced them to Elisa Maza, second class detective of NYPD. Benicio tells her she is beautiful, and she had a beautiful baby. She is grateful. Later, Elisa was in the bathroom. She was taking a shower. She washes herself. She washes her hair and body. She messages her big chocolate breasts, her chocolate chip nipples, her vagina. She had muscular body, public hair on her vagina. She is sexy. After showering, she put on her pajamas. She is brushing her hair. She hugged, rocking Daniel. He was resting on mom's chest. She begins to breastfeed him. She rolls her pajamas. Elisa messages her breast. He sucks mom's breastmilk. After, she put him in crib. He was sleeping. So, she tucks into bed. She went to sleep. On next morning, Elisa was wake. She went to the kitchen. She brings Daniel with her. She wishes Gabriel and Delfina good morning. He wishes her good morning. He was making breakfast. He gives breakfast to Elisa. Both sit down at the table. Both are having breakfast. After breakfast, Gabriel opened his restaurant. His workers entered the restaurant. They went to work. Elisa helps around in the restaurant. On one evening, Elisa Maza went outside. She is going to take a walk. She walks on the sidewalk of the city. She continues walking. Then, she sees gangsters are bullying old man at store. He is the owner of a store. One thug warns him to give them money. He was begging not to hurt him. Elisa appears. She told them to leave him alone. They turn around. They see young, dark-skinned woman. The crime boss asked her if she was around here. But she is not from here. He ordered his men to get her. Both begin to fight. They attacked her. She blocks, punches, kicks. One thug draws his club, charging her. She grabbed his arm, knocked his stomach with her knee. Then, Elisa hit his back with her elbow. They are coming back for more. Then, Gargoyles arrived. They battled gangsters. They punch, kick. They throw them around. They are defeated. The crime boss ordered to retreat. They are getting into the car. They left. The clan leader asked her if she was ok. So, he introduced himself, Rafael. She introduced himself to Elisa Maza, second class detective of NYPD. He introduced his clan, Onyx, Seraphina, Drakonar, Leander. Rafael asked her what brought her here. She was kidnap by evil scientist, Anton Sevarious. She has come here during her journey. So, both walk around. Both are having a conversation. Then, they see commandos holding Gabriel and his family as hostages. They ordered them to not to move. If they move, they will kill them. So, to order save his family, Elisa, Argentinian Gargoyles must save them. They battled commandos. They roared. They punch, kick, throw them around. She punches, kicks. She blocks one commando's attack, whacks his stomach with her knee. Then, she hit his back with her elbow. They continued fighting commandos. But they are defeated again. Elisa Maza picks up rifle. She asked them to leave and not frightened Gabriel's family. So, they leave. At harbor bay, Gabriel gives her motorboat. He was grateful to her help save the city. Rafael was grateful to her too. So, she must departure for the journey. She got Daniel. She starts the engine. Then, she is off to go. She bids farewell to them.  

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