28. New chance new job

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I woke up in a good mood. Although my lips tasted like pizza nothing else seem to have changed.


Or maybe not?

Peeking out of my room I looked at the boys surrounding the blue turtle. He held his hands up in defense, "Trust me it is for a good cause."

Mikey was close to commit murder, "It was bad enough that Donnie took Miss Porky coin out of my life but now Mr. big pig?!" Raph agreed on this however he kept his little brother from strangling Leo. Last night he stole all the money from his brother's savings but refused to tell for what he wanted it. It would have worked until Donnie demanded his laptop.

"What do you need it for? You got your own!"

Purple narrowed his eyes, "I can track down on what you spend the money on."

"We are brothers but we all deserve some privacy!"

Mikey hissed, "You took ours by stealing our money!"

At this point I walked over, "hey guys what is up this morning?" in an instant they all changed the subject and tone assuming that nothing is wrong. My eyes looked at every turtle seeing that it was clearly a lie but refused to make a fuss. I asked them if they could help me move the stuff from my previous apartment to the lair. A few things were too heavy for me to lift. Thankfully they all volunteered if they get free pizza as a reward. How can I refuse?

But this will be tonight's plan as of right now I had other things to do. Looking up on jobs online was my task for today. Sitting in the living room was the quietest place in the lair as the boys were loud while skateboarding. Splinter watched TV as usual but didn't seem to be bothered with my presence. Although he did ask me if anything was wrong after a few hours. I got frustrated at the descriptions and the main problem to add an address to my resume was not possible now. Frustrated I slammed the laptop shut. The rat looked over the couch and asked once more if I was okay. I shook my head, "No, I can't find a job without an address up there". The jobs for the hidden city don't matter for this detail but I didn't want to go there in fear of that man. Splinter offered me to check the newspaper hoping that there might be some employer that gives her a chance before asking for the address.

To my surprise I found one.

An assistant...assistant for what? I gave it a try and called the number below. A male voice greeted me. In the distance I heard another voice, but I tried to ignore it. Apparently, it was a position of arranging events and planning like a manager only I do it with them two together.

"So, what are you performing?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I am a magician. We do magical tricks on stage, but the planning is getting out of hand. We don't have much time practicing the tricks, so we need someone to do the planning for us. Would you like to give it a try?"

He sounded nice but I was skeptical with the job. I asked him if we might be able to meet up in a café to get to know each other first. It didn't help that he hesitated. We arranged a date at night at the café I went with Leo. For now, I won't tell the boys about it just Splinter. He heard most of the conversation and gave me a thumbs up, "I am proud of you. I wish you the best of luck Y/N." Right after he was back on watching his show not replying to my questions whatsoever.

The boys on the other hand were chatter boxes. Mikey wanted to know what I like to eat; Donnie showed me the latest updates on his phone while asking if he should put them on mine and Raph told me to watch him beat Leo in skateboarding. Blue was the only one that was rather quiet. Maybe because he was losing to his big brother or the fact that he constantly checks his phone. Purple stood beside me saying that this is not normal for Leo, "He is up to something, I am sure."

"So what? It is probably not so big to worry."

"Right...so about the updates..."

"I don't want them D." he upgraded the Donnie blocker and April warned me not to get it. Speaking of her, I had to meet her later. We got a lot to talk about. Donnie gave me his phone to arrange a meeting as I got nothing else to do in the afternoon.

At the same café April arrived on time. We both ordered some hot coco. My news of being the newest roomie of the boys didn't seem to have bothered her too much but the fact that Leo was acting weird got her worried.

"Don't worry. Donnie made a door for my tube, absolutely Leo proof."

She understands me knowing that under these circumstances she would have done the same thing. The date with Leo was kept quiet to keep blue save from her bat. Afterwards we talked to each other about things that happened in New York until it got dark. I never had so much fun with anyone by just talking about nonsense. We arranged to do this more often, especially if I have problems with the boys, especially with Leo. But at this moment I had other problems.

At least that is what it looks like for April.

The door opened and two mutants dressed up entered the café. April knew straight away who they are and told me that they should leave. To my surprise the small figure in the arms of the tall man pointed at me. April pulled on me to go btu they beat her to it. The tall figure came closer whispering, "Are you the one that asked for the assistant job?" I nodded noticing how April stopped pulling. The smaller figure in his arm removing his hat revealing styled blonde hair, "Good let's talk about business". I looked at April and asked if she could stay. The small man nodded, "Well since she is a Stone head, I allowed it.... although she took charlotte from me." I didn't hear the last part unlike April. We both sat at the same table and got our order.

In my opinion they are nice despite being mutants. But to April she stayed on guard ready to call the turtles in case this conversation gets out of hand.

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