Vice Grip

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Adam had thought he had the house to himself when he'd let it out, and for the next four minutes of the song he hadn't thought twice about what he was doing.

Until Jacob and Steven and Hazel nearly broke the workout room door off its hinges with jaws slack as it ended.

Steven's eyes were starry and he was practically jumping up and down. The others just stared on in total shock.

"Did that voice just come from you?" Steven bellowed.

Adam blushed hard for a few seconds then forced it away until he was pale again. "Whoa, you'd think a guy could have a minute to himself."

"That doesn't answer our question. Come on, gym rat. You've worked out every day this week for countless amounts of hours." Hazel scooped his partner up and grinned. "Quit trying to bulk up."

"It's only been ten hours this week and I'm already bulked up, you knob. Put me down or else." He could grow menacing easily but Hazel disobeyed just to see what would happen as they marched him out in midair. "Hazel!" Adam roared, shoving some hair out of his face. "Put me down. Now."

He was descended immediately and snatched his beanie to hit over his head. "Five minutes in and you guys already want Daddy's attention."

Jacob scoffed. "It's so unfair that your tiny ass has dominion over all of us. I could punt you."

"And I could think of some really crazy shit to do to you, Jacob," Adam reminded him icily. "Don't forget why they call me Big Poppa. My dicks bigger than yours in spirit."

"Adam, quit changing the subject! You can do screamo?!" Steven burst, no longer able to contain his excitement.

The man sighed, yanking off his beanie all over again. "I suppose if that's what you'd call it. I'd call it Tortured Song but yeah."

"Nerd," Hazel laughed.

"Bottom," Adam replied with a knowing grin. "Don't think I don't remember what you get up to."

Hazel, red faced and offended shoved at him. "Power bottom! You still make cute sounds!"

Jacob chuckled. "Is there a way we can test that theory?"

"Probably. But only if Adam does a test run of a song I've had stocked in my files for forever." Steven took one of Adams hands in his own and assumed the begging position, on one knee and those big brown eyes sparkling up at him. He didn't need power for this, he knew he was supremely cute. "I'd do anything."

Adam turned their hands over thoughtfully. "Anything, huh?"

"Anything within reason," Jacob corrected with a smack of Stevens bowed head. "Don't get us all in trouble, Steven."

The hybrid laughed and crashed back on the couch. "If I'm going down, you're all going down with me."

Hazel squinted at Adam suspiciously. "He's already got something in that twisted mind of his for us to do." He scooted closer and pretended to analyze him, though it seemed impossible without his eyes shown and him paying no attention as he stared straight ahead. "Something mean."

Adam grinned. "You know me so well."

So that's how the three men had spent an evening being milked until their balls were sore from cumming so many times while Adam watched a movie and occasionally adjusted the friction so they wouldn't get too comfortable.

He stretched out on the couch, smirking like he was an all powerful god and stroking the heads of the girls intermittently. "How you guys doing? I need numbers." His smile grew. "Over."

To Be Named At A Later DateWhere stories live. Discover now