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Nalani woke up the next morning and felt like total shit. Her body felt like it was being ripped apart and her stomach was about to explode of hunger.

She got up and headed straight to the bathroom. She washed her face, did her skincare routine and brushed her teeth while brushing her hair with her free hand. Once she was all done, she headed back to the living room where her best friend was still dead asleep.

"Are you coming to get some iced tea with me?", she asked loudly while shaking her friend awake.

Madelyn rubbed her sleepy eyes, then looked at her best friend while grunting at the sudden light hitting in her face. "what?", she asked in her sleepy voice, still trying to figure out what is going on around her.

"i asked, if you wanted to come get some iced tea with me", the brunette repeated herself.

Madelyn took longer than usually to proceed the whole question and finally nodded, pulling herself up from the sofa.

"let me get ready first"

The brunette hummed in response and made her way back to her room to get changed.

15 minutes later the two best friends were now sitting in one of Nalani's cars, making their way to the local cafeteria.

Suddenly the car got dead silent until it got interrupted by Madelyn's heavy sigh.

"Trent is so fine."

The brunette has fought her inner demons, not to roll her eyes at that statement and adverted her gaze at her best friend for a second before looking back on the road.

"like you haven't told me that for like 100 times already", she sighed while shaking her head.

"he can have my kids", the blonde continued.

She clearly does not know what tmi is.

"you said the same thing about Pete the other day", the brunette remarked, trying to swallow down the urge to laugh at the sudden switch up.

"i was on my period at that time, it doesn't count.", the blonde stated and turned her head back to stare out the window. "whatever makes you happy, mads", the brunette teased, a shit eating grin forming on her face, her best friend clearly ignoring her.

They've eventually arrived by the cafeteria a few minutes later. Nalani's eyes widened as soon as she saw their favourite cakes being back in stock and she immediately gasped, making everyone turn their heads in her direction.

"are you seeing this.", she called her best friend over to where she was standing, Madelyn's eyes suddenly widening at the sight.

"no way!", she called out. "we haven't had those in like a year!", she added with an amazed expression on her face.

Nalani and Madelyn have bought atleast 2 pieces of cakes each. Nalani chose the chocolate-cherry and the oreo one, meanwhile her best friend has picked out the strawberries and cream and the vanilla one, still not being able to believe that god has blessed them like this on a random day.

Call us fat fucks or whatever but the cakes were truly like entering heaven.

They've also bought one Peach Iced tea with extra ice each person and sat down at the table next to the window, still having a perfect view at the currently empty beaches of LA.

Madelyn took the first bite off her cake and made a satisfied sound, letting herself plop back in her chair while hitting her arm against the armrest.

"This feels like making out", she exclaimed, feeling absolutely no shame at all, making her best friend stare at her in disgust.

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