twenty seven

697 11 1

The girls have arrived at the hotel around 4.53pm and went straight up to showering, one after another so they wouldn't lose no time. Madelyn has showered first due to her make up routine just being too long to fit in before 6.30pm, Tyla went next and Nalani last.

They've decided to go for matching outfits together with Madison, Maria and Carlacia which was basically a typical summer outfit but with a white or flowery detail.

Once everyone has finished their make up and finally left their rooms, they all went to the hotel lobby downstairs, where they'd meet each other.

As soon as the trio arrived at the lobby, they've met the eyes of Drew and Jonathan who were sitting at the big cushion chair. They've received a teasing whistle from Jonathan at their sight.

"looking great sister", he told Nalani as soon as she came to sit next to him, gaining a laugh from her in response.

"how's jude doing?", he asked her.

"he's fine, he texted me before we left the room saying he was going out with his family in madrid, a little before the game, since the time zones different for us", she updated him.

Before they could go on any further with their conversation, they were interrupted by the others telling them they could go now since Madison, Mariah and Carlacia have finally arrived.

A local driver has picked them up from the hotel lobby and drove them to the restaurant where they have had a reservation at, which was Tyla's idea after she's seen the restaurant on their shopping spree.

Nalani's mouth fell wide open once she saw the concept of the restaurant, making Tyla smirk due to how proud she was that it was her own idea.

The restaurant was an open restaurant with the view on the beach and a lot of people celebrating and partying in the side bars. It just screamed summer vibes.

Everyone was looking at the menu at the bar expect for Nalani who told them she'd join them as soon as she finds her card, which she did a minute later, and just as she was about to go and join her friend group, a slightly drunk man, who was at least 5 years older than her, made his way over to her and started suggesting her to buy her a drink.

"c'mon just a little drink", he tried convincing her while putting his fingers together as a gesture to show her how small the glass would be, but getting yet another head shake from the girl in return.

"no, sorry", she told the guy while trying to wave him off awkwardly. "i've got to go"

"come on just one!", he called behind her while holding her aback by her arm with his hand.

Before she could refuse yet again, a male voice rang through the air from the big metal pole next to them.

"she said she doesn't want to go."

She turned her head to spot where the voice was coming from and she breathed a sigh of relief once she noticed Drew and Jonathan walking towards them.

Drew joined the couple first and yanked the guys arm away from Nalani. He put his hands up and backed off by a little. "sorry. chill."

Before the boys could tell him anything else, he has turned on his heel and left in a matter of seconds.

Jonathan immediately walked over to Nalani and checked up on her "you okay?", gaining a nod from the girl.

"fucking weirdos in here", she replied and waved the boys over to get back inside to look at the menu.

As soon as they entered, Madelyn has made her way over to them with a questioning look. "you all helped her look for her card for that long?", she questioned with a frown on her face.

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