forty one

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Nalani has picked out her stuff for the gala together with her stylist and was now heading to the rehearsals. For a normal person it might've sounded insane, but nalani was determined to reach her goal. And the goal was to serve people what the want on the gala. It should be her best comeback yet.

As she got into the rehearsal hall, all of her backup dancers and her choreographer was already there, so she changed her clothes quickly and made her way back into the hall, greeting everyone.

It was currently 8pm and they surely would be working until midnight at least, that's why she felt bad for everyone who had to reschedule last minute, but she was fully convinced that she had the best team ever who wouldn't mind those few hours since they actually wanted to present themselves in the best way as well.

Todays exception was that Nalani decided to call her people from the republic records as well. The brunette has gotten tons of time recently to produce music, and since the album release was set for January 10th, she wanted to start with the promotion from now on.

They were all rehearsing for about 40 minutes now when the management has arrived and that's when Nalani decided to leave her backup dancers on their own so they could take a break.

"ay nalani", alex, one of the team members from republic records, called out towards the brunette.

"oh hi!", she called out, while hugging him lightly. "thanks for showing up at this late hour", she thanked them.

"no worries", one of the few females spoke up. "so tell us what's your idea."

"so i've produced a lot of songs lately, even finished my album, and since it's less than two months away, i thought that maybe we should release the first single for promotion", she explained. "maybe we could do it unannounced at the BMA's and tease the album by the end of the performance as well."

"i like this idea", Alex announced.

"yeah, me too- i think that dropping the single will make people go feral- i mean, it's unexpected after all", the female, named Alora, spoke up again.

"exactly, that's what i thought", Nalani agreed with the woman.

"let's do it, then", Alex announced, gaining a loud cheer from Nalani.

She took the whole team in one big hug and squealed a loud "thank you!", as she ran back into the hall to let everyone know that the rehearsals for her new song weren't for nothing.

The group got back to rehearsals just when she got back to the hall and as they were in their 50th minute of training, the huge door of the hall opened as it made loud noises, hinting its old age, and as she took a closer look, her best friends were standing by the door.

Drew and Madelyn were now entering the huge hall, while looking around, clearly trying to find that one specific brunette.

Nalani was the first one to notice them, and as she did, she excused herself from the group and sprinted towards their way.

As she got more closer, the duo had finally noticed their best friend and their faces immediately lit up.

"what are you doing here?", Nalani chuckled out.

"dropping off some iced tea for out favorite pop star, duh", Madelyn explained while playfully rolling her eyes.

As she took the iced tea from her friends, the team has suggested to take a break and that's what they did meanwhile the brunette was sat next to her best friends on one of the wooden floors.

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