forty four

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It was currently 9.30pm when it was time for Nalani's performance. Until that time she had won the 'collaboration of the year', 'album of the year' and 'best female artist' award, obviously being forced to pose with each one of them afterwards so her friends could take pics.

The brunette has left her table around 8.45pm, so she would have enough time to change, warm up and prepare herself. And now, when she got 5 minutes left, she high fived her back up dancers and trained her vocals once more.

As she was waiting for her part on stage, Tyla was already starting her part in their song water and when everyone has thought by now that she'd perform on her own, Nalani suddenly appeared on the stage and started singing her part. The moment she has heard the public's screams, she couldn't help but smile.

The girls have performed the song together with the original choreography but as the performance was going to an end, suddenly a dance break appeared, connecting the water performance to the long awaited performance by nalani.

As the dance break has come to an end, Tyla left the stage, leaving nalani stand in the center of the dark lights. Suddenly the camera has changed it perspective, showing the entire hall off - far away from the stage but as soon as the camera got back on her, the outfit was suddenly more elegant than the one from the water performance.

This was the one of the many things they've been practicing for the most. The outfit had to be changed in just 15 seconds, without flashing the audience, meaning that it had to be done fast and safely, making nalani anxious for the past two days thinking if it'd actually work out. And it did.

The stage suddenly got dark and the lights focused on her as the melody of Best mistake started playing, then it suddenly turned off and started going back and forth, making the intro way longer than it officially is, teasing the audience on what was about to come.

As everyone has realized what was happening, all they could hear by then was the loud screams and cheers coming from the audience, the camera men making sure to catch the shocked faces of the celebrities from the vip area as well every now and then.

Suddenly the original backtrack started playing and she started singing her part. Due to the song being more chill, there was basically no choreography which meant that there were no backup dancers either, leaving her all alone at the tall stand microphone.

The closer they got to the specific part, the more nervous she grew so she made herself close her eyes to forget everything at that moment - shut everything off for a second.

It was five seconds until the start of Central Cee's part and everyone finally got to calm down as they realized that Nalani was on stage alone, which didn't last for long as the long awaited person finally appeared on stage, making everyone go feral.

This might've been the first time ever since the beginning of her career, where she has heard the audience cheer so loudly.

This was the thing that she had been most anxious about and the thing that she had been talking about with Madelyn on the way here. Of course she has thought about Jude's opinion on that but if he could do the stuff he's doing, then she could finish her revenge aswell.

In the corner of her eye, every now and then when she decided to open her eyes, she spotted numerous celebrities who seemed totally shocked which made her bite down her laugh at their faces.

As Cench finally got to to specific part, she immediately turned her gaze away from their short eye contact due to the discomfort that she had felt hearing it come out of his mouth after all those months and although she wasn't looking, she still felt his gaze on her throughout the entire performance, making her grow all nervous.

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