fifty seven

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i'm desperate for yall to comment bc i want yalls reactions for this chapter 🙏🏻

After Jude had been led around the entire house as her father insisted on showing him the football field, bbq area, garage and all of his favorite places, she spent the time with her mother and her sisters basically doing girl stuff and talking about whatever they'd do for the next two weeks of her stay at their house.

"naia what are you planning to do after high school?", nalani questioned.

"i'm not sure", she shrugged. "i wanna start acting maybe."

"no way!", the older sibling cheered as she turned her gaze to her mothers proud face. "and what about you, maven?"

"i want to be like you", she smiled.

Nalani had many up and downs in her life and she had multiple situations where she wanted to quit, being unsure of what she was in life - maybe she still wasn't sure. But listening to her sisters words gave her enough confirmation for whatever  she had been seeking for in life throughout all the years of her career.

"i cannot wait then", nalani smiled at her younger sibling and as the girls fell into a three second silence, Jude and their father appeared from around the corner.

The boy walked up to wherever nalani was sitting and plopped down next to her, his posture still somehow remaining stiff as if he was trying to make a good appearance.

"what've you shown that poor boy, look at him", her mother pointed at the out of breath boy infront of her.

"no no it's fine", Jude sat up straightly.

"just took him on a short errand around the house", he explained. "who knows, maybe he'll take up the house with nalani in the future once we die", he added and the older female threw him a knowing look.

Angelina suddenly shook her head at her husband as she eyed the boy once more. "dragging that poor boy around", she spoke up. "maybe we shall leave you two to rest."

"no it's really fine", jude reassured in a panicked tone.

"i really do think you should still rest", her mother replied. "you've been up all day after your long flight and there's another one awaiting you in the morning", she eyed jude.

Jude seemed as if he wasn't sure what to reply to which nalani only looked up, nodding her head at him slightly, referring to her mothers statement that maybe they should actually rest for now, to which he nodded back in agreement.

"yeah we'll go rest now", she stated as she pulled herself up from her seat, the boy following afterwards.

"okay, rest well", the older woman called out. "and don't feel ashamed to ask if you need anything or if you need to use the bathroom or anything like that."

"thank you", jude smiled as the couple finally headed upstairs.

Nalani walked up the stairs, the boy following behind her as she headed towards her room, eyeing the house by ocassion to notice any new changes.

By the lightning in the hallway she could notice the lamp being different from the one she had remembered from the last time she had been in her parents LA mansion.

She even noticed a change to the walls and cabinets - those being filled up with more pictures of her and her siblings as of now.

As the couple had finally arrived in her room, she headed in first to lay off her stuff as he sat down on her bed, checking his phone for a second.

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