twenty eight

671 16 2


goodmorning x
we're taking off in like 15 mins

nalani 💞
help ain't it like 10 pm
for you rn? 😭

yes but i still wanted to tell
my gf goodmorning 😔

nalani 💞
we're getting breakfast
what are you doing ? x

we're in the 2nd plane already
i have to go
i'll text you as soon as we land
take care xx

nalani 💞
alright x
take care xx

The group has just arrived at the small breakfast booth by the beach and were now picking out their meals when it was finally Jonathan's turn.

He looked at the menu for a second, then turned towards the cashier, asking for some scrambled eggs with toast, gaining Nalani scrunch her nose at his choice.

They've finally made their way to sit at the comfy outdoors crushion chairs when nalani decided to finally speak up. "what weirdo eats eggs just like that?"

Jonathan made an offended face at her remark. "excuse me?"

"there's so many cooler options in the menu that won't make you shit like crazy afterwards", she stated, while saying the last words in a obvious tone.

"like what?"

"pancakes? creppes?"

He raised an eyebrow at her suggestions, forcing her to continue. "yoghurt with muesli and fruit?"

"i'm lactose intolerant."

"damn double homicide."

He shook his head at her remark, as soon as she got back into her discussion with Tyla and Madison if paper straws should be a thing.

The group continued on eating their meals until they were finally done and decided that they wanted to surf for a little bit.

Ever since they've started filming OBX almost 3 years ago, everyone had to learn surfing that's why it was pretty easy for them - the only exception was Tyla who had no idea of surfing and decided that she'd just swim or sunbathe instead.

They've been surfing for the past 2.5 hours until Jonathan didn't threat them of throwing up because of the spinning and him just finishing his food not even 3 hours ago.

"i told you don't eat so many eggs", nalani reminded the dark skinned boy, making him roll his eyes at her.

"shut up nalani", he murmured while holding his stomach.

It was already 3.18pm when the group arrived back at their hotel. They have all split up to go back to their own rooms, where they decided to take a nap since the plane would arrive in a few hours, since it took more than 15 hours from madrid to hawaii.

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