forty two

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Nalani has spent the entire next day on rehearsals. She was either finishing the choreography or she was doing final shots for the album teaser at the end of the performance, and by the end of the day she had gone through the entire plan for the upcoming event to make sure that she got everything right.

Currently it was 11am on November 22nd and had been woken up by Miya opening the blinds in her room. When she was finally able to open her eyes in the brightness, she made sure to check her phone first.

Ever since her short conversation with Jude, she hasn't heard of him ever since. Maybe he did listen to her this time in fact.

But him disappearing like this kinda stressed her out, because the later it got, the closer she was to talking out stuff with him and normally she wouldn't be as scared if it wasn't for the fact that he was unpredictable and could've said anything hurtful to her at anytime once again.

But today was the day of the BMA's, the day where she was about to tease her upcoming album - and that's what she'd focus on today.

The brunette crawled out of her bed and made her way out to her bathroom to brush her teeth and do her skincare routine.

She was now brushing her teeth when she heard the doorbell ring and she heard footsteps, that most-likely belonged to Miya, as she was making her way towards the door to open it.

By the time the door was fully open, she heard a female voice, that belonged to her stylist, greeting her manager.

Nalani spit the water out of her mouth and went in to dry up her mouth, when a notification popped up on her phone, revealing the time to be 12.15pm already. That's when she took all of the stuff she needed and sprinted downstairs to where her stylist and manager were already packing out her look for tonight.

"can we start now?", the older lady questioned.

"yep", Nalani replied as she sat down on one of the tall chairs that her stylist had positioned for her, in front of the long mirror, that had been hung up by Jude at the wall once.

"are you excited for today?", the older lady asked once again, while applying some primer on the younger girls face.

"very", the brunette nodded with a smile on her face.

She was indeed very excited. This was her 3rd studio album and she just couldn't wait to release it, but the excited part was only about to come.

She couldn't wait to see people's reactions later tonight, once they would realize that one of the songs that she'd be performing, wasn't any of the released ones yet.

It was currently 3.35pm and they've just finished doing her hair and make up. In the meantime, Elijah, one of her two stylists, joined them as well and while Mira was doing her hair, he proceeded to do her make up.

The brunette made sure to text her friends as well. Jonathan and Drew have met up earlier to get ready for the gala, telling the girls that they'd pick them up.

As the hair and make up was finally all done, it was already 4pm and Nalani got rushed by her manager to change to her look for the night.

Luckily enough, the dress wasn't the typical long tight dress that Nalani usually would wear for an award show, so it took her only 10 minutes to fully get it on and adjust it to sit on her as it should.

She was now putting on her shoes and jewelry when she heard the doorbell ring. Her cleaning lady has just opened the door for them, revealing the silhouette of her three best friends - all of them serving their best looks.

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