thirty six

512 9 8

As soon as Madelyn noticed Jude leaving her best friends house, she immediately thanked the driver and left the car towards the house, and as she entered the huge living room, she spotted her best friend sitting on the coach in silence while staring out of the window.

Nalani has turned her head towards the door, as she heard steps. Madelyn approached her and nodded towards her as a gesture to ask what happened.

"we broke up"

Madelyn stood there speechlessly, not being able to get anything else out of herself so nalani continued. "he told me he hated me."

"HE WHAT?", madelyn shot up at her best friends words, getting a nod in return. "who did it?", she questioned, referring to the break up.

"i did", she stated. "but it was kinda mutual."

"okay, good", she breathed out. "i still can't believe it...i'm happy you decided to end it though."

Nalani didn't know what to respond to her best friends words. Her and Jude have never fought once and she honestly didn't know where it went wrong. Neither did she know where the sudden hatred appeared from.

Madelyn walked up to her best friend and slowly threw an arm around her, holding her in the embrace as if she was holding a fragile piece of glass that would've easily broken into million pieces if she let it fall now.

"do you want me to call others over?", she asked nalani in a soft tone while taking off her heels, that she was still wearing from the premiere.

Nalani shook her head. "i want to get my mind off of all of this, let's spontaneously go on some late night walk or something i'm gonna call the others."

Everyone has met up at nalani's house at 10pm. It was only Nalani, Madelyn, Carlacia and Madison this time, since the others didn't have time or were already out of the state.

Their first stop was the standard cafeteria where everyone has got their drinks and they decided to continue on walking, they've crossed thousands of people who seemed to not recognize them which made her more than happy, because having all those people on her ass, wasn't something she needed right now.

Nalani was updating her other friends on everything that has been told between the ex couple earlier and the more she went into details, the angrier they got.

"i can't believe this", carlacia murmured. "when i catch him the next time."

"how can he tell you he hates you?", madison cursed. "that doesn't make any sense."

"i know", nalani agreed. "but it is what it is now."

As they were complaining about the street lights not turning green for nearly two minutes already, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and as she took it out, the lights have turned green and they had to keep on walking, making it unable for her to check the notifications, but as they've already crossed the street, she checked the phone and what she saw, made the iced tea turn in her stomach.

new message from 🔔ingham !


i'm sorry for getting so mad earlier
i didn't mean it
neither did i mean it when i told u i hated u
you have every right to be mad right now 
i'm flying out to madrid tomorrow
i'm sorry

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