thirty two

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The next day was pretty boring. Nalani and Jude have woken up around 11am and decided to go and get iced teas, after which they've gone on a little grocery shopping run and as they arrived back home, they've been either cooking or spending time together just enjoying the last days.

Now that their trip to the universals was coming up, she was already stressing out on how the way there would be because Chase and Madelyn were exes and they'd be sitting in one car for the next good 30 minutes.

Due to Nalani not being home for a long time, and jude not being sure when he'd arrive back home, she suggested him to stay with trent at jack's apartament so he wouldn't have to stay home on his own.

Meanwhile nalani was getting herself ready for the universals, jude was packing the stuff he needed for the evening and the next morning at jacks, which made her laugh a little because he looked like a kid who was packing for a sleepover at his friends.

By the time the clock has already hit 3pm, she was finally done and as she was picking out her shoes for the day, she called out towards Jude who has been quiet for the past 10 minutes now.

"how's it going?", she called out through the whole house.

"what?", he yelled back.

"how is it going!"


Before she could yell anything back, he has already made his way out to her walk in closet. "what's up?"

"i'm thinking of which shoes i should wear today."

"wear your black adidas campus 00's they look good on you", he told her, as he sent a wink to her, making her chuckle at the gesture. "i'm gonna wear the same ones so we're connected even though we're apart."

"okay, you convinced me."

She put on her shoes and stood up to pick up her stuff that she's packed to take with her to the car. As she was exiting the closet, she gave Jude a quick hug and called him over to get downstairs since they'd have to leave soon.

"do you have everything you need?"

"yeah, even if not then i'm sure Jack will help a poor man out."

"i wouldn't be so sure", she shrugged as she turned off the lights in the entire house, making her way outside.

Once the couple has gotten outside, Drew and the others were already waiting for her in the car so she hugged Jude one more time and made sure to tell him to be safe. She kind of felt like a mother who was sending her son to a sleepover at the end of the day which was funny to her.

"i love you, bye!", he called out to the girl who was now getting in the car, to sit next to Madelyn.

She smiled at him and yelled a simple "i love you!" back as she closed the door.

Jonathan let out a gagging sound at the view as they drove off, making Nalani throw a look at him. "grow up."

They've spent the next 30 minutes driving and luckily enough, Chase and Madelyn got to be split up in two cars so the final car arrangement was - Drew, Nalani, Madelyn and Jonathan in one car and Chase, Rudy, Madison and Carlacia in the other.

Nalani has nearly gotten a heartattack, once she has brushed over her right hand because she didn't feel Jude's promise ring on her ring finger - later to remember that she's put it in her pocket to not forget it on the way out of the house.

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