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They were now making their way to the deserts. Nalani was sat between Jude and Madison meanwhile Madelyn was sitting with Trent and Carlacia. In our Van were also our managers and the driver. Rico, Phil, Declan and Jack had to go by the other car.

Nalani was now reading the news. "how are they so quick damn", she sighed out while shaking her head in disbelief. The boy threw his arm around her shoulders. "i'm not even surprised."

She turned off her phone to turn her gaze towards her boyfriend, looking up at him. "guess what day it is." The boy was acting as if he was trying to remember, making the girls mouth fall wide open in disbelief.

The boy laughed at his girlfriends betrayed expression and quickly defended himself. "one month anniversary. you really thought huh?", he exclaimed while still giggling at Nalani.

"i'm glad you remembered", she stated while letting her head fall onto his shoulder. The boy started stroking his girlfriends hair until she eventually fell asleep on accident.

Nalani has been woken up by Trent's annoying voice ringing through her ears. Since she managed to already forget where they were going in her sleep, she decided to ignore him until she heard the words "wake up fattie!" coming from his mouth. She immediately stormed up and made a offended face at his remark.

"what did you call me? say it again!", she demanded while throwing her hand at him. "fattie! fattie! fattie!", he screamed while running out of the car.

"see! you can't even say it properly when i'm around without shitting yourself!", she yelled at him, letting a scoff escape her mouth shortly after.

"this day is already starting good", Madison remarked while getting out of the car with Carlacia. "what have i gotten myself into"

The group waited for the other Van to arrive and they made their way to the deserted area. As soon as they felt the heavy sand appearing underneath their shoes, Trent was too confident about that one and due to his lack of luck today, he tripped right on his face due to his feet sinking into the sands.

"Karma is a bitch u fucker!", Nalani screamed as loud so the boy would hear her.

"did she mean pregnant woman fucker?", Declan remarked while bumping his shoulder with Jack's. The boy laughed at his teammates remark and nodded in agreement. "Declan!", Jude hissed at his friend, trying to remind him that Madelyn was still with them.

"no no, tell me more!", Madelyn called out curiously.

The boy awkwardly cleared his throat once he realised what Jude was on about and decided to continue on walking while pulling Jack with him.

Once the situation got a little calmer and Trent has collected himself, the group got to the people who would rent the group the quads and as the boys were talking to the owners, nalani has pulled out her camera and started filming an entry to her newest vlog for youtube with the girls.

"Carlacia tell them where we are!", Nalani called out towards her best friend.

"literally in the middle of nowhere", Carlacia replied with a slightly sarcastic tone making the girl turn her camera back on herself. "Carlacia, motivated as always."

Normally Carlacia was a very motivated person, probably one of the most motivated and positive ones but when it came to waking up early, she wasn't the best example.

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