Part 7

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I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes, taking in everything around me. I heard the birds chirping and the rustling of the tree branches from the warm summer breeze.
It's been four months now since the last hospital incident and a lot has changed. For starters, I'm pregnant. I looked down down at my stomach, smiling and I started moving my hands along it gently.
As I looked ahead of me at the trees along the back of my property, my mind began to drift back to the hospital. After me and Dan escaped the hospital, we ignored the sirens of the fire trucks, the panicking nurses and doctors all trying to get their patients out of the hospital and ran, we didn't stop running until we came to a Catholic Church building.
When we approached the front doors I paused and looked beside me at Dan, giving him a 'why are we here' look. He smiled and told me to trust him, so I nodded and entered the church building with him.
After we explained to the priest everything that had been going on, the Priest took me to the front of the church and cleansed me. He poured what he said was "Holy water" over me and I don't exactly remember the whole ritual, but whatever he did worked. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened to me since that day, whatever ghosts were around me, attacking me, scaring me, were all gone.
My thoughts were interrupted, I seized up in fear as I felt a hand go down my chest but calmed myself when I realized who the hand belonged too. "Damn it Dan, you startled me"
Dan chuckled too himself and sat down beside me, placing his hand on my chest. "Have you felt any kicks yet, babe?" Dan asked.
"No, I haven't" I moved my hand over Dans and drew my attention towards him, fear present in my eyes. "About that party, before the hospital. I don't think I've fully explained what happened and too be honest, I don't remember it all, it's all just a blur in my head. But, I wasn't myself that night, I don't know what came over me and I keep feeling like Brad was possessed with one of those ghost things, he must have been right?"
Dan smiled and greeted my gaze, "of course, but just remember. Everything strange that's been happening, it's all gone now. That priest took care of it, you don't need to worry about it anymore"
I smiled and moved my mouth against Dans for a moment, kissing him as i intertwined my fingers with his. "I love you" I moaned.
Dan slowly moved his mouth away from mine and rested his forehead against mine "I love you too" Dan said soothingly. Dan looked back down at my stomach, smiling. "We're going to have a baby, Nad. Just focus on that"
I smiled and moved my mouth against Dans again, moving my hand up his back as he pressed harder into my lips.
After I was cleansed at the church, Dan moved in with me. I was still on edge and didn't feel safe so I offered for him too stay with me, he gladly accepted and since he's been here with me I've defiantly felt more safe and at ease.
Over the past few months I fell even deeper in love with Dan, after a couple of weeks had passed since he moved in, I felt more like myself again, I went out shopping in town and gardened around my house.
I started work at the flower shop about three months ago, Roseanne was very happy to have me there. We didn't talk about the party that much, I guess it's for the best, I'm still trying to erase the whole night from my memory.
One night sticks out too me the most, it was a couple weeks after Dan moved in, he took me out too see a movie in downtown New Orleans. The movie was terrible, but when we got back home me and Dan made love for the first time. It was incredible, sexy and perfect. I wasn't expecting it to happen but it just kind of did, I guess he wanted too make me feel better after bringing me too the worst movie we'd both ever seen.
Dan moved his lips away from mine and pulled his phone out of his pocket, he grunted and kissed me quickly once more. "I gotta go to work, I'll see you tonight baby"
I smiled and looked at Dan "alight, babe. Be safe" i said. Dan smiled and nodded as he walked away back into the house. I sat back in my chair, closing my eyes.
I woke up too the sound of rustling leaves and tree branches and the wind against my face. How long had I been asleep?, I pulled my new phone out of my pocket and turned it on to the lock screen, 6:12 pm. I unlocked my phone and opened up my text messages with Dan. I started typing, "hey babe, when will you be home? I think I just slept through the whole afternoon lol. Love you." I hit sent and slid my phone back in my pocket.
I got up from the chair and started walking towards the back door of the house, "damn, it's really getting windy" I thought to myself. I moved my hand down too the door nob but it wouldn't move, I attempted to move the nob harder but it didn't budge.
"Must be broken, add that to the list of things me and Dan need too repair" I thought too myself. Ever since I moved in the house, there have been things that don't work or have stopped working. The shower is very bipolar, it seems it only likes too be hot whenever Dan is using it alone. Don't even get my started on the power outlets, it seems half of them in the house actually work. It started to make sense to me why this house had been so cheap on the market.
I started walking around the house, crossing my arms together trying not get blown away from the wind. I stopped and reached for my phone in my pocket, it started to vibrate. I pulled the phone out and looked at the screen "message failed to send" read across the screen. I drew my attention to the top left corner of the screen "No Service" I grunted and shoved my phone back in my pocket, "stupid AT&T" I mumbled.
As I started walking again, something caught my attention. I saw what appeared to me a person standing in the trees not to far ahead of me by the road in front of the house. I moved my hand over my head trying to block the sun out of my eyes and started to adjust my eyes, looking at the figure.
"Dan!?" I called out, starting to run towards the figure. After a few steps I stopped, realizing Dans truck wasn't in the driveway and that he was still at work. The figure seemed to vanish before my very eyes and I started to shake my head, I didn't want to believe what was happening.
"Nadine!" I paused as I heard someone yelling my name, the voice was very loud and distorted and seemed to be coming from behind me. I turned around but nobody was there, I started to shake in fear as I moved my way too my front door, this isn't happening again.
I shook my head as I moved my hands down too the door handle, "this isn't fucking happening" I screamed.

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