Part 6

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(content warning: sexual assault - Please take care while reading)

Brad kept choking me harder, his grip getting tighter and tighter. I couldn't move, I couldn't breath and I couldn't cry for help. I looked into Brad's eyes, the blue that once was there had been replaced by a black endless abyss of darkness. I closed my eyes tight, then opened them again. Brad was no longer on top of me, I started gasping in air and tried to calm myself down.
I leaned my body over to my side and looked down at the floor beside the bed. I saw Brads body laying there, I could see blood coming down from his head as it poured all over the carpet. I tried to scream, but no words came out of my mouth.
"Nadine, it's okay! "I opened my eyes and there before me was Dan, I tried to move away but his grip on me was too tight. "Nadine, calm down you're alright. I'm here, it's okay, just a bad dream". Dan said this as he looked at me, holding me in place.
Dan let go of me as I relaxed, I leaned my head over to the other side, the beeping on the monitor started to slow down. I was back at the hospital.
"You were out for two days this time, you were in a house fire" Dan leaned over and rested his hand on my arm after he said this, I drew my attention away from the monitor and looked back at Dan, greeting his eyes.
"House fire?" After I said this i immediately moved my hands up to my throat, I could feel the bruises from where Brad had gripped it and the pain shot through my whole body as i spoke. I looked at Dan again, shooting him a look of concern.
"Yes, house fire. Two people died. The police don't know how it started yet but I'm glad you're alright. Someone found you in a hallway, you were unconscious but I'm glad they got you out on time. The police also said you were naked and there was some blood on you, but that's all they really told me. They're probably gonna wanna talk to you about all this too" Dan sighed after he said this and moved his hand up too mine, pulling my hands down softly.
"What happened to you?" I could see the pain in Dans eyes as he said this.
"I was attacked, this guy slept with me and he attacked me." I started coughing after I said this, moving my hand up to my throat again. Dan reached on the table beside the bed, grabbing a glass of water.
"Here drink this, you should rest your throat." Dan said this then leaned back in his chair afterwards, starring at me for a moment before he continued talking. "You slept with him?"
"I was pretty intoxicated, Roseanne invited me over for a party. Oh shit, Roseanne is she okay?"
I set my water down on the table and greeted Dans eyes again, he seemed more hurt than I had ever seen him before, I didn't know him for all that long but I didn't understand why he was always there. He saved my life once and now he's at my side once again, in the same hospital.
"Why are you here?" I said. Dan smiled and looked at me. "I mean, don't you have work and like a life." I couldn't bring myself to smile back, I felt too damaged. Each day there seemed to be something strange going on or somehow I'm almost dying. I tried shaking the thoughts out of my head, but I saw Brad's face again looking down at me as he grabbed my neck, I knew this was going to be scar'd in my memory. I still didn't understand why he did it, it made no sense. He liked me, he had sex with me and moaned my name at least 20 times that night.
I drew my attention back to Dan as he handed me my glass of water again.
"Well, you have no family members for them to call so they called me. That nurse that was with us the first time you were here called me. I immediately left my shop and got over here as fast as I could, I can't even begin to explain how fast my heart was beating".
I cracked a faint smiled and moved my hand back down to Dans, wrapping my fingers in with his. "Thank you, you mean a lot to me" I said.
Dans smile grew wider and he gripped my hand tight as he continued to look into my eyes. I swear, whenever he looked at me like that I felt like I could see into his soul. It was a nice feeling, I felt at home. I had never felt this way about anyone before but it seemed the more I was around Dan, the more I loved him.
Love, yes, I'm falling in love with Dan.
" I care about you a lot, Nad" Dan kissed my hand after he said this and I quickly pulled my hand away, Brad's face once again consumed my thoughts. But then, I started to see new images in my head. I looked over to my side and saw a lamp gripped tight in my hand, blood dripping down from the sides.
"Dan, I think I killed him. The guy who attacked me, I think I killed him. I must have fought back" I started to shake my body but Dan moved off his chair and beside me In the bed, embracing me.
"It's okay, if he attacked you then he deserved it. I'm just glad he didn't kill you." Dan said this as he hugged me tighter and I couldn't help the tears that fell from my face.
"I have to go to the washroom" I pulled away from Dan as I said this, moving my hand over my face trying to wipe away the tears.

As I looked into the mirror I moved my hand over my neck again, it was terrifying actually seeing the marks on my neck. As I moved my fingers over the mark I suddenly screamed as I heard what appeared to be something hitting the toilet behind me. It sounded like something had hit the toilet or crashed into it.
I suddenly looked at the toilet in the mirror in front of me but nothing appeared to be there to have had made that noise. I turned myself around and walked towards the toilet then grunted. "what the fuck was that" I grumbled to myself.
I sighed and turned myself around facing the mirror once again, as I started walking towards it I couldn't help but notice what appeared to be blood covering the toilet. I immediately frowned them turned myself around, but as I looked at the toilet nothing was there.
"What the fuck" As I turned myself around again to face the mirror I froze. Standing behind me was what appeared to be a middle aged man in a doctors coat. I tried to move but I couldn't, it was as if I was stuck. "Who are you!?" I yelled. I received no answer. The man continued to stare at me through the mirror.
I drew my attention away from the mirror towards the door as I heard an alarm, it sounded like a fire alarm. The alarm continued, the loud repetitive noise piercing my ears.
I started to scream as I felt the mans hand go on top of my head, it was no use. My vision then suddenly began to blur and everything became pitch black.

"Dr. Leonard, Suzanne is all prepped for surgery"
"Thank you, nurse. I'll be right in". Dr. Leonard smiled after he said this, then started to walk down the hospital hallway. He opened the door to the operating room and stepped inside.
Two nurses stood in the room, one beside what appeared to be the patient, Suzanne. Suzanne had short curly blonde hair with a neat red bow. Across the room on the wall hung a calendar that read September 1957. Dr. Leonard walked across the room and started to put on his white jacket. One of the nurses beside the bed started giving Suzanne an injection, Suzanne appeared to only be about 15 years old.
I stood there in shock as Suzanne started to curse and swear towards the nurse.
Suzzane started screaming then suddenly she moved her hand out to the table beside her where all the operation tools sat. She grabbed one of the needles and stabbed it right into the nurses neck.
Then immediately, Dr. Leonard started running over the nurse, catching her before she could fall to the ground. The other nurse came over and started to treat the wounded nurse, Dr. Leonard then looked up but the girl was off the operation table and running out of the O.R.
"Hey!" Dr. Leonard yelled this, then he got up to his feet and started to run out of the room after the girl.
Dr. Leonard then walked into the woman's washroom "hey, Suzzane. You in here?" Leonard said.
Suzzane hid under the sink, then as Dr. Leonard was looking in the mirror she jumped out from under the sink and pushed him back.
Dr. Leonard started to scream as he swung backwards, bashing his head against the toilet. Suzzane then got up and ran over to him, she held his head down in the toilet and started to laugh.
"Nadine!" I opened my eyes and drew my attention towards the washroom door.
"Dan?" I looked back into the mirror after I said this, but nothing was there. I must have been in some sort of trance, the man who was here was Dr. Leonard. He gave me that vision, or whatever that was. But why did he want me to see his death?
Dan started pounding at the door and i noticed that the fire alarm was still blaring.
"I believe you, okay. I believe you, Nad! There's a girl in the hallway here, she's blonde and has a bow in her hair. She keeps repeating your name." Dan continued to pound on the door after he said this, then he moved his hand down to the door nob but the door wouldn't open.
I started blinking my eyes then moved over to the door, trying to open it. "It's not opening!" I screamed.
"I believe you about the ghosts, I believe you" Dan screamed this as he tried to pull the door open, but it still wouldn't open.
I stepped back and stared at the door confused "Suzanne?" I continued to look at the door, still confused.
"Hey, stay back. I see a fire extinguisher across the hall. I'm going to break the door handle"
"Okay" I sighed. I started to step back but screamed as I heard a crash at the door.
Suddenly the door swung open and Dan ran inside, he started kissing me and I could see the tears running down his face. I began to kiss him back harder, then wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Come on, we have to get out of here" Dan moved his hand down in mine after he said this and we ran out of the room.

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