Part 2

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I could feel the hard, cold tile floor on my feet as I sat up off my hospital bed.

I began to move my feet across the floor, attempting to walk. I seized up in fear as I felt a cold hand grip my shoulder and I began to scream. "Hey, it's okay it's just me" The mans soothing voice calmed me down, I turned around to once again face Dan. I couldn't help the smile that came rose on my face and I immediately looked down at the floor "I think I just had a bad dream".

"It's okay, Nadine. After all you've been through I can understand. The nurse gave me the paperwork to let you go..." Dan moved his hands together and looked deep into my eyes, I could see the pain and concern. "The drivers license, and your credit card were retrieved from the car and they weren't able to find anyone else to contact no-

"They're dead" the words suddenly slurred out of my mouth and I covered my face with my hand, trying to hide the tears that were about to once again flood my face "My parents are dead".

Dan moved his hand over mine and pulled my hand away from my face "I'm sorry, Nadine. Really, I am."

" I just want to go to my house, Dan" I looked up to greet Dans deep painful stare. Dan nodded and reached for the paperwork.

The truck slowly pulled into the driveway and came to a slow halt. I moved my hand to my door handle and tried to open it when a piercing pain struck through my arm. I moved my arm to my chest and looked over at Dan giving him a confused look. "Let me see it, Nadine" After Dan said this he gave me his concerned stare again, I didn't understand why he cared about me. I looked down at my arm again and shook my head "No, It's okay I'm fine. Probably just sore from the crash". I used my other arm and opened the passenger door and carefully stepped out of the truck. I began to walk to my front door when Dan opened his window "Hey, Nad! Need any more help with anything!?".

I turned around and looked at Dan, attempting to express a faint smile. "I'll be fine, thanks for everything you've done I mean it." Dan smiled and began backing his truck out of the driveway.

As I approached the front door I noticed the door was slightly open, a confused look came over me as I opened the door and walked inside. I scanned the area around me as I walked through the house with caution but nothing appeared to be different and nothing seemed to be gone.

I sighed and picked up a box by my feet, I looked down at the photos inside and saw a photo of me and my sister at the park together when we were both little kids. A tear fell from my face onto the glass photo frame, I set the box down and collapsed to the floor in tears.

I suddenly screamed as I heard a loud crash near me, quickly I pulled my body up to my feet and scanned the room around me from what the crash came from. I gasped when I saw that my sisters photo was on the ground in pieces. Cautiously, I  picked up the pieces and put it back inside the box.
I jumped back to alert again as I heard a loud noise coming from the hallway, as if someone was walking. I gasped for air but trying to stay silent I moved my hand inside the box beside me. Moving my hand through the photos I found a shard of glass from he broke picture frame. I slowly managed to get myself to my feet. "Who's there, I heard you!" I yelled as I said this and slowly started to make my way to the door leading to the hallway. As I approached the door, I moved my hand down to the handle. I took a deep breath and swung the door open as fast as I could and held the shard of glass in front of me.
Nobody was in the hall, I cautiously made my way through the house but nobody was there. "You're losin' it Nadine" I sighed after I said this and sat down at the kitchen table. It was going to be a long day and emotional day going through all of me and my sisters belongings unpacking, but I knew it had to be done.

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