Chapter 4 We Are One

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"The specific process to break down a human's psyche, to obliterate it and give myself free rein, is so obvious." He placed a needle into the man's brain then injected the red liquid through the tubes. The man jerked and screamed into the rag stuffed in his mouth. Ruvik stepped back and watched in contentment as the man's eyes flicked around the room before the man choked as blood trickled out his nose.

Ruvik picked up a surgical knife and slowly walked around to stand behind the man then set the knife on the man's neck before he applied pressure to the knife as he walked around to the other side slowly slitting the man's throat without hesitation. Ruvik pulled the rag from the man's mouth and watched as he gurgled and spat blood before final dying. Throwing the rag on the man's corpse he turned around and removed his gloves to click the button on the recorder.

"Subject feels as I do. But this vessel is far too weak to withstand the psychological weight I myself bear daily." Ruviks gaze sat in disgust at the corpse.

"Perhaps it's time to further my research onto people outside this indescribable box of madness." Ruviks voice echoed through the dim room as he continued on cleaning his tools and disposing of the body.



"Snow can you hear me.." fireflies fluttered in front of the dark window as she stared into the darkness beyond it.

"Snow?" echoes of a voice lingered through the atmosphere as snow slowly got up and walked towards the dark wooden door. "No cure for you little one.." a boys voice came from behind the door, when snow opened it, there was nothing but shadows behind it. She slowly frowned and began walking away.

Sunflowers appeared around her as she was now outside, the gentle breeze brushed against her face as she closed her eyes.

Quickly the smell of burning wood filled her nose.

Frightened Snow jumped back as now she was in front of a burning barn, she heard a blood curling scream from the distance only to look up and see a horrid creature running towards her. Snow let out a scream before curling to the ground.



"Ngh!" snow threw her fist as if punching something.


She opened her eyes to the familiar voice and saw she had socked Ruvik right in his jaw.

"Oh um I'm so sorry..I.." Snow tried to figure out what to do but awkwardly stoked his face.

"Its my fault, I should have expected that." Ruvik smirked and rubbed his jaw.

He sat up then let out a sigh.

"As you know your dreams seem to only get worse going by your reactions now.." Ruvik looked over to the broken lamp that laid on the ground.

"And somehow your managing to break things or cause a lot of disturbance as well." he rubbed his head and got up only to pace in front of Snow slowly.

"Dr Jimenez has ask that you be moved to solitary confinement until they figure out what is wrong..or." he stopped pacing.

"Or?" she tilted her head.

"You would allow me to perform a few tests to see what it is that causes these matters to happen while you sleep." Ruvik raised his brow line as he watched snow huff in annoyance.

"Ruvik." she glanced at him then swung her head over the side of her bed to see under it as she grabbed a notebook.

"It's not something that can be fixed with a few incisions or cuts to the brain." she opened the notebook and turned to the third page. Ruviks face had a surprised look as he's never heard snow actually a dress him.

"Here." she handed him the note book.

Ruvik glanced over the drawing on the page and the scribbled words across it.

"We are one?" he looked up to snow as she sat on her bed. Ruvik sat in the chair beside the bed and studied the drawing once more.

"We means me and him." snow pointed up to the ceiling but motioned more around her.

"Who is him?"

"Ameir." She smiled slightly.

Ruvik tilted his head wondering what she was actually meaning.

"Is he an imaginary friend?"

Snow laughed. "No you silly..he's an entity." snow smiled at Ruviks expression.

She took his hand and began motioning with it.

"You see he's connected to me from the other side as he's told me.. He protects me."

"And how do you speak to him?"

Snow points his finger to her head.

"With this." she smiled.

Ruvik slowly pulled back his hand as he kept his gaze on snows eyes. Snow felt a little uneasy as she was sure Ruvik thought she was mad.

"Interesting.." his voice trailed off as the door clicked open as Jimenez walked in.

"Ruvik what are you doing here?" Jimenez sounded surprise as if he wasn't expecting Ruvik to be there.

"I should ask you the same." Ruvik stated as he stood up and glared at Jimenez.

"I'm here to take Snow back for tests as you wouldn't mind."

"There's no need anymore, I've solved the problem." Ruvik tilted his head up to look at Jimenez.

" soon?" Jimenez voice cracked a little as he began to feel uneasy at Ruviks gaze.

"Then I'll be on my way." he put on a fake smile and retreated out the door.

"That was nonetheless strange." snow stated as she stood up.

"Stay away from him." Ruviks voice was harsh as he looked to snow with narrow eyes.



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