Chapter 7 Delicate Measures

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Sorry for a bit of a slow update but I hope you enjoy! Review and tell me what you think so far! They let me know if the story is doing good! And I appreciate the follows, comments and favs on this story thanks! :D

"Once upon a time there was a little deer. The little deer pranced through the flower covered forest happily and gracefully. Upon the little deers adventure she came across a wolf in the beautiful field of sun flowers, the wolf stared and studied the little deer with its weary familiar irises. The little deer thought of No harm as she walked towards the wolf. Slowly the wolf stood and began talking to the little deer then offered her a sweet treat as he heard the little deers stomach growl. The little deer accepted the treat but saw no such thing as the wolf smiled in return. The wolf told the little deer to follow him and that there would be mountains of treats where he was going. The little deer and the wolf walked together through the dim forest now that the Sun was setting, the little deer told the wolf she would not stay after dark as the forest changed at dusk. The wolf insisted the little deer to go on a little further as they we're in reach of The mountain of treats. The little deer grew weary of the walk before the wolf gestured to a cave they came upon, the wolf told the little deer the treats She seeked were within the cave and that it would shelter her from the forest for the night. The little deer agreed with the wolf and went into the cave. Slowly the little dears ray of light dimmed as she saw what covered the caves ground. The wolf came in sight and studied the little deer, only the sounds of panic echoed out of the cave then silence followed within."



Snows feet ached as she continuously paced around her room. Perhaps sitting would be a better method in clearing her thoughts. She rubbed her face.

She stopped as she felt a nudge on her arm from the side.

"What is it?" snow glanced around the room.

A voice echoed in her head.

"Their coming?" she looked to the door.

A nurse dressed in a red attire entered through the door, She smiled with her clipboard in hand.

"Snow Gabriel? Dr Jimenez would like to see you." she gave snow a nod before gesturing for her to follow. As always the hospitals halls were dim-less corridors of silence, there were less patients each day. The staff wouldn't say what happen to them but that it is in our best interest to stay out of it.

"That's bright." snow whispered while lifting her hand up to block the light.

The nurse moved out of in front of her for her to see a crown like contraption sitting on a table and behind a thick layer of glass walling, Dr Jimenez sat watching.

"Please take a seat." the nurse gestured.

Snow began walking towards the table before She felt a violent nudge against her shoulder.


Another nudge followed shortly.

"Ameir what is it?"

Snow ignored the next nudge but stopped as the light began to flicker.

"Stop it!" she hissed.

Ignoring her thoughts she sat in the chair. Slowly the nurse lifted up the contraption and placed it upon her head.

"You will be subjected to a few tests and then you may go." she smiled.

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