Chapter 5 The Incident

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"Would all patients on the second floor report to the mess hall." a speaker from the corner of the hall announced.

Snow curiously watched the other patients slowly if not like the walking dead etch out of their rooms, some of them groaned and pulled their faces as they rubbed their hands harshly against it. Others laughed and clapped as they skipped through the hall. She frowned slightly then opened the door, she didn't exactly want to leave but they check all the rooms to make sure no one lags behind.

Snow looked up to see Leslie waddling by the windows with every other step he glanced outside.

"Leslie!" snow smiled and ran up to Leslie startling him a bit.

He shook and tapped his fingers together before looking to Snow. "Snowman?.."

Snow laughed and ruffled Leslie's hair as they walked through the halls together.

As they walked inside the mess hall, snow grabbed Leslie's hand and led him to a table near the door then sat down as the nurses tried to calm the others.

"Attention everyone! Dr Jimenez has an important announcement!" a nurse yelled catching the attention of almost everyone in the room. It was almost informal for any of the staff to raise their voice so when they did most of the patients would listen.

"Good evening everyone." Jimenez began as he adjusted his tie.

"I would like to introduce you to your new care takers." he presented two nurses in which snow has never seen before.

"Unlike your caretakers before they will monitor you every day to make sure you're doing what's necessary for your health." snow rolled her eyes a little, every nurse does their job at first but every one of them eventually breaks because of some of these patients. Snow thought as she scanned the row of people behind Jimenez and spotted Ruvik near the fair end.

"There will be a series of tests to take place as well." Jimenez smiled at the horrified screams some of the patients let out. Snow was unsure why they screamed but those who went for 'tests' never come back the same. Snow felt an itch in the back of her mind as she turned around to see one of the patients starring at her in a creepily way she thought as she turned back around to ignore it.

"That is all. You may return to your rooms." Jimenez bowed slightly and turned towards Leslie and snow.

"But not you." a large man dressed in a white outfit came in from the doors beside them as the other patients began to leave. He grabbed Leslie and pulled him away from snows grasp. "CUTTING! CUTTING MY HEAD!" Leslie screamed as He was tugged away.

"Wha.. Hey!" snow shouted and darted after the man as he cut through the crowd

With Leslie.

Snow came face to face with the man as he turned around and electrocuted her with one of those shock therapy tools they use to cure patients.

Snow fell to the ground as her body still twitched the man shined a flash light into snows eyes and moved his fingers in front of her eyes.

"What do you think your doing.." Ruviks voice dominated the loud room causing the man to jump slightly.

The man turned quickly and began walking away, as soon as he got in front of Ruvik he started to choke and gasp for air as he gripped his neck, Ruvik watched as the man began turning a red tone from the lack of air before finally falling to his knees then collapsing to the ground.

Jimenez ran over to the man then checked his pulse, he quickly open the man's eye lid to see his eyes had rolled to the back of his head. "He's dead." He pronounced then looked to Snow as she slowly sat up.

"Come on it's time to go." Ruvik whispered with a deep voice in snows ear as he helped her to her feet. Ruvik held onto her as they walked out of the mess hall, she could hear Jimenez calling out behind them as they left.



Ruvik helped her sit down on his bed as he grabbed a few things from his desk. He held snows face up so he could see into it. She was barley aware of her surroundings as her eyes fluttered close.

"Can you hear me?" Ruvik whispered and got a nod in return.

He picked up a small bottle along with a syringe then filled the syringe with the goo.

"This won't hurt to much..but it will take the dizziness away." Ruvik turned her back towards him and lifted her shirt to inject the flood into her back. Snow hissed at the pain as the goo slowly made its way from the syringe.

Ruvik pulled it out then cleaned the spot where he injected her.

"Better now I presume?"

Snow nodded.

"If you don't mind for me to have a look at the burn on your stomach." Ruvik put on gloves as he waited for snow to answer.

She lifted her brow in confusion before she looked down and saw a hole burnt threw her shirt about the size of her fist.

She gasped as Ruvik gestured her to lay flat.

She did so before he lifted her shirt up to her chest and began examining the harsh burn.

"Those tools are not meant to be used against patients." he stated as he put pressure around the edges of the burn.

He turned and grabbed a rag from the stack beside him and doused it with some kind of clear liquid.

He placed it on the burn and cleaned it up while it was still fresh.

"Ow.." snow gritted her teeth together as the liquid began to burn.

Ruvik looked to her with an emotionless gaze as he took the rag off and sat her up to bandage the burn.

Snow watched his face as he concentrated on bandaging her. She looked to his eyes then to his lips as she saw visible burns around them. Ruvik leaned back as he finished dressing the burn and caught snow staring at him.

He felt angered a bit as he hated it when people stared into his face as if laughing at his appearance.

"It's not polite to stare." he said harshly as he turned away.

"I wasn't staring."

Ruvik picked up the medical supplies and brought it back to his desk as he turned to glare at snow.

He sighed and walked back towards her as he sat beside her.

He unbuttoned his shirt to his chest and pulled one of the strips of bandages unwrapping it as he slowly took them all off.

Snow studied his face slightly before gently place her hand on the side of his face. Ruvik flinched back slightly but calmed as he felt relaxed at her touch.

"Now you see why it is I'm heavily bandaged all the time. People fear what they see and presume I am a monster instead of understanding the pain I felt when this happened."

Snow tilted her head, she wanted to ask how it happened but she felt it would be rather rude of her. Instead she smiled as she stroked the side of his face.

"What are you doing here in this mad don't belong here." he whispered.

Snow tilted her head in confusion as Ruvik glared at her as if his mind was wandering elsewhere.

"It is past your bed time isn't it?" he stated harshly as he got up and walked over to his desk, snow stared at Ruviks back before slowly walking towards the door.

"I will see you in the morning." he stated as she left.

Ruviks eyes narrowed as he turned away from the door, gritting his teeth together, then throwing the papers from his desk.

"AGH!" His voice hissed as he watched the papers flutter to the ground with angered etched across his face.

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