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I was called by JYP this time. I was a bit nervous but okay because of Bang Chan. He seems like a big deal, especially to my dad. The music started, and I danced to a song I recently discovered called, "Sad Girlz Luv Money" by Amaarae ft. Kali Uchis.

I want to see my father smile. He has always expressed his pride in me, saying, "I have always been your number one fan." But, I wish for that moment of utter happiness that brings tears, or an emotional moment that moves me to tears. I think that wouldn't be ideal in this situation..

I finished my dance and I heard people clapping. I turned around to see Sunhi with a smile on her face. I blushed, embarrassed, and walked to sit down next to Sunni.

JYP and his team rose to their feet. "Congratulations to everyone on becoming trainees. You will receive your dorm information here, and it will also be formally sent to you via email. We are excited to start working with all of you."

He excused us, siting down to talk with Bangchan and the Casting Directors. Everyone else had left, having already checked the lists, Sunhi and I went to see our dorm rooms, only to find my name not there.

"What's wrong? Did you get dropped?" Hyunrin asked standing next to us looking over Sunhi's shoulder.

"I don't know." I shrugged looking towards my dad. Jiri just scoffed and checked her dorm information

"Kimiko," he called out. Turning, I made my way to where he was seated.

He stood up and shook my hand. Although it seemed overly formal since he was my father, I knew it was all for show.

Our family had kept the secret of me being his daughter from the public ever since I was in primary school, people don't even know my parents are married.

"This is Bang Chan, he is the leader and main producer for Stray Kids." He stated, and Bahng Chan held his hand out to shake, and I shook it.

"It is lovely to meet you." I bowed 90 degrees because I was unsure if it would be too formal, but I wanted to avoid any disrespect.

He just laughed. "No need to be so formal." I stood straight and gave him an embarrassed smile.

"You're probably wondering why you aren't in the dorms with the other trainees, correct?" He asked, and I slowly nodded.

"I saw your performance, and I think you'd fit in perfectly with Stray Kids." I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"But I'm a girl, and I barely trained?" He nodded.

"I think you can catch up pretty soon, and we have a spot for you if you want it." Bang Chan smiled.

"It's all up to you honey, whatever it is, I'll be more than proud." I smiled at my dad, not JYP, my dad.

"I don't want you giving me favoritism, I'm nowhere near the rest of the members skill, I'm sure it took them years to train." There was moment of silence, letting go me think.

"Okay, I'll join, only if I can still train." They thought about it for a second before nodding.

"Thank you for the opportunity, BangChan ." I bowed. He smiled at me and I didn't resist hugging my dad. Bangchan said goodbye and I realized everyone was gone now.

I turned to my dad with a playful glare. "Why didn't you tell me? You just put me on the spot." I whined jokingly.

He just laughed at me. "I thought you be happy to be put with good people." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I thought I'd be in a girl group!" I complained, but before he said anything else, I said.

"I'm grateful still, thank you." He smiled and told me to wait as he grabs the car.

I lingered to pick up some baked goods from the café. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jiri and Sunhi approaching me.

"Hey guys, you didn't go home yet?"

"No, we wanted to wait for you, where's your dad." Hyunrin, looking around.

I looked to Sunhi, we both for got about the plan. She looked uncomfortable and guilty.

"He went to get the car," I said with a shrug, Sunhi was unusually quiet.

"Rin, just go; we all need to get home," Sunhi suggested to Hyunrin

They are certainly behaving suspiciously, and given Hyunrin's  question, she could have caught me speaking with JYP as though he were my father.

"You're such a whore." Sunhi gasped at Hyunrin's forwardness.

"Excuse me?" I ask, where the hell did that come from?

"I saw you get secretly called over by Jin-young, you're not fooling anyone, we all know that sexy dance was for him." I felt my skin burning, she's so weird, my dance wasn't sexy and I definitely didn't chose it for try at reason.

"What are you talking about? I don't see JYP like you do." I'm starting to get uncomfortable.

"You know exactly what you're doing, but it won't work; he's mine, and I won't let some machunbu take him." She grabbed me and delivered a slap across my cheek, I stumbled back and fell.

What? It hurt, like a bitch.

"Hyunrin, you're doing too much, it isn't this serious for you to hurt someone!" Sunhi yells at her.

"Isn't it though?" Hyunrin just rolls her eyes, and pushes her away, hovering over me.

"Is there a problem here?" I looked around and saw Bangchan standing behind Hyunrin.

She quickly moved away from me and bowed. "PD-Nim, I was trying to help her up, she sprained her ankle..."

Bangchan stared at her for a moment, then looked at me and Sunhi. "It didn't look like that from where I was standing." He looked disturbed.

She opened her mouth but shut it quickly. "I'll take care of this, Bangchan, I saw everything." I turned to see my dad glaring at Hyunrin.

"I'm sorry Kim, I didn't know she was going do this." Sunhi lowered her head towards me and my father.

"It's fine." My dad helps me up.

Sunhi looks at me, ashamed, but she doesn't have to be. "It was my fault, I should've tried to stop her a little sooner. I- I have to go home." She bows and walks away.

My dad calls security and Jiri gets escorted out of the building without making a scene. I say goodbye to Bangchan and walk outside and get into my dad's car.

"Are you okay? We can press charges." He asked worried.

"No, that'll just cause more problems. I'm fine." I turned and facing the window. He looked like he wanted to ask if I was sure, but just left it alone.

Smart Choice.

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💭: Don't worry Hyunrin is coming back. Hope you liked this chapter, please vote & comment

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