🌷 Reincarnation 🌷

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"Asteria, can you hear me? Asteria?"

What the hell was happening? This wasn't her room. The room seemed.. clean.

"Slowly dear, you can't get up yet."

Who was this man? And why was he tearing up?
Wasn't she supposed to be dead?

"Sir, am I supposed to know who you are?"

"M-my daughter! It's me... your father!"

The man held her hand and she was more confused than ever. Her father?

"I am sorry, Sir. You must be mistaken. I am not your daughter."

She was right. She was nobody's daughter.

"O heavens! What's wrong with my daughter? Is this some sort of test from the heavens? No... I would rather sacrifice myself than have my daughter not remember me."

The girl was stunned. Why was he here? How did her husband even let this man in here? No, first of all, where was "here"? The girl slowly got out of the blanket and settled her feet on the floor. Her body felt... healthier. Not frail, like she always used to be.
The man tried to grab her hand, which she obviously shoved off because the man seemed to have lost it.

"Monica! Call Asteria's lady-in-waiting. Fast!"

Now who was Asteria? It seemed that even though her body felt healthier, she was still dizzy. She couldn't stand properly so she took the mirror's support and what she saw was incredulous. She wasn't herself. She was someone, but just not herself. She had light blue hair. So light, that it resembled white. But, she remembered her hair colour. Her hair colour had been darker than the colour black itself. Her skin was paler and her body wasn't just skin and bones.

"W-what...who is this...why am I like this?"

The girl fell down on the floor. Seeing "that" person in the mirror do the same. Confirming that it was indeed, her own self that she was seeing in the mirror. "The person" wasn't someone else, but her own self. She had changed. But, how?

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"Since she was asleep since the past 3 months, her brain had created a new life for her. During the time she was asleep, she suffered from amnesia. And as a result, she fought her amnesia with a condition called "confabulation". Someone with confabulation has memory loss that affects their higher reasoning. They subconsciously create stories as a way to conceal their memory loss. They aren't aware that they aren't telling the truth. They don't have any doubt about the things they are saying, even if those around them know the story is untrue."

The doctor kept blabbering on and on. About various conditions. Just to prove the fact that, the life that she had lived till now, was not real at all. How could she believe that? How could she believe that the struggles and the torments weren't real? Though her wounds weren't physically hurting her anymore, the wound on her mind was still fresh. So, she just stayed silent and stared out of the window. Because, that's all she had been doing ever since forever, staying silent.
A tear escaped from her eye but, before she could impel that tear drop, she felt someone embrace her. Embrace her so lovingly, that many tear drops followed the first one.

"It's not your fault, My star. It's my fault... I should've taken better care of you. I should've protected you. I should've kept you safe. It's my fault. Blame it on me. And please don't cry, it pains my soul."

But the girl couldn't stop crying. This was all so confusing and this man's embrace was very warm. She felt she was finally in a place where she could cry all she want, where she could do anything else other than being just "silent". She felt...safe. And before she knew it, she was hugging him back.

"Oh my daughter. Don't, don't you worry. Are you in pain anywhere right now? Does your stomach hurt? Or does it anywhere at all?"

It did hurt. Her head heart. Her feet heart. Her side hurt. But nothing hurt more than her heart. But, still she chose to shake her head.

"Don't worry, my star. It will pass. It was just a test put forth by the heavens. You will be okay."

The girl nodded her head vigorously though she had no idea, how exactly were things going to be okay. She just thought of this all as a dream. She just knew that she'd wake up soon. But, she prayed that when she would wake up, it would not be as Mallory. She couldn't care less about dying. About waking up in hell or heaven. Just anywhere away from that man would do.

"Looks like you had a hard time when you were asleep, my dear?"

She again nodded strenuously. She did have a hard time. A very hard time.

"I wish I could curse the person who made you go through all that, but you see, my star, they weren't even real. It was all just...an illusion. And trust me, when you spend time with all of us again, you will forget that all. All of those memories will be erased. And you will be happy once again. Like you're supposed to be. The doctor even said that you can regain your old memories and oh, how I wish that you do!"

Regain the memories? How could she regain her memories when she barely knew who she was. When she barely knew Asteria. But, evidently, she was Asteria. How could she forget her own self? She didn't knew Mallory or Asteria. Who was she? And who was she supposed to remember? To know? And to forget? And this all was very confusing. But, at this moment, she had someone who was there to hug her and to console her. There was someone, with tears in his eyes, who wanted Asteria to come back. Who wanted Asteria to recover. She couldn't help but wonder, if someone would feel the same about Mallory? If someone would shed tears for her. If someone would look forward to her recovering. As much as she hated the retort she gave to her own question, the answer was indeed "no".
So she decided to do nothing.
And stay silent until she woke up from this dream.

๋࣭⭑Tinted Tulips ๋࣭⭑ [♡WMMAP x OC♡]Where stories live. Discover now