❄️ Hangover ❄️

490 33 6


There was knock on her door.

"It's me, Alaric. May I come in?"

"Come in."

She mumbled in a low voice, loud enough for him to hear and enter the room.

As soon as he came inside, he had to admit that seeing someone grieve so much over the death of someone they didn't even know properly, was very shocking. Well yes, that man was her Father, but she had lost her memories, right? So she practically knew him for only two months. Why were her eyes so red?

"Are you okay, my sister?"

He took a seat on the couch present in her room and spoke in the softest voice.
And she...well, she just continued to stare at her feet. There was no spark in her eyes. There was no life in her eyes.

"I know it's been hard on you. After that accident... and now this...but...it will be okay. I know you can do it. You can cope up."

No, she couldn't do it. She wouldn't cope up. How could she?
She was not Asteria. She was Mallory. But losing that man made her feel like she was indeed, Asteria. And this frustrated her even more.

"Why aren't you speaking now? I know it's tough. But comeon. Life is all about events like these."

Alaric spoke again.
"Life is all about events like these", huh? Well yeah. Life was indeed all about events like these. She could guarantee it from the experience of living two different lives.

"Goodness, Asteria. This is you, unable to speak, when you just knew Father for like, what, 2 months? What would have happened if you had not lost your memories? Would you have killed yourself?"

She didn't know. She had no clue what would have happened if Asteria had not been in that accident. Maybe, Mallory would have simply and normally died in her life. Maybe, Mallory's soul would have been in peace. Maybe, nothing like this would have happened. She had no clue.
Regardless, that man was the very first Father she ever had.
She had never felt a Father's love. She had never been anyone's daughter, let alone be someone's star.

"Asteria, listen to me. If Father was here with us, he would never want you to skipping meals and all that."

Ah yes. The traditional way of consoling someone. "If they were here, they wouldn't want you to be like this" or whatever.

"You need to understand the situation. No matter what happens, you should never treat your health like this. You get me?"

And as always, there was no reply from her side. She seemed like she wasn't listening to him at all. This made Alaric sigh loudly.

"Whatever. I wanted you to know that everything will be okay."

He muttered before standing up.

"And remember to take your meals properl-"

He stops in his tracks once he felt someone hold onto his sleeve.

"Who...do you...think...did it?"

The girl finally spoke, making him turn around to face her once again.

"Did what?"

"...set the estate on fire..."

"I certainly have no clue. But, we're working on it."

Alaric stared at her coldly, while she stared at nothing.

"Get some rest. Leave everything to me."

He said in a cold voice before departing and leaving her all alone in that huge room.
And once again, unknowingly, a tear had escaped her eye.

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After almost a month since that day, she was standing infront of him now. He was looking down at her, sitting on his luxurious chair on that ravish stage. It was time. Time to confront Claude.
And the least she had planned to say was "sorry". Well, what else was she supposed to say? Though, truth be told, she did not feel sorry. She didn't feel anything at all. She had to admit that.

"Blessings and Glory be upon the Obelian Empire."

She bowed as politely as she could.

"Your Majesty, I am deeply sorry for my actions leading up to this moment. I know I have betrayed you. I can only ask for forgiveness, and hope that you will grant it to this poor sod who is standing before you in penance. Your majesty, I want you to see that this was an act I did because I had a reason. Reason I can't explain. Please believe me when I say that I would never do anything like this willingly, though I am willing to take full responsibility for it."

Felix looked at her, standing bewildered. She had just told him that all she would say is "Sorry". Now it was as if she had created a whole damn speech for today.

His jewel eyes were shining brightly. But not in the "bright" bright way.
But she felt nothing. It was as if she did not care anymore. What would Claude do? Execute her? Well maybe that way this cycle of her sufferings would end. Though you never know. She could always wake up in another novel, in someone else's body. Her life was unpredictable at this point.

Everyone present in the room glanced at Claude. Most of them were nervous. Everyone was waiting for him to speak.

"Have you...been skipping meals?"

He finally spoke after what seemed like forever. And boy, were they all shocked.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I asked if you have been skipping meals."

He said, firmly this time.
Why in the world would he ask her that?

"No...I am eating properly. Thanks for your concern, your majesty."

"I wou-"

Claude stops speaking as the large doors to the room were opened.

"Who dared to interrupt his majesty's trial?"

Felix spoke in somewhat loud voice. All of them stared at the person who opened the door.
Oh no, It was Sasha. Her lady-in-waiting. Why was she here?

"My lady!"

She stopped, catching her breath.

"I...I found your diary."

Sasha said, infront of everyone.

๋࣭⭑Tinted Tulips ๋࣭⭑ [♡WMMAP x OC♡]Where stories live. Discover now