💮 Cognizance 💮

765 34 2

"My star, don't you think it's time for you to start hosting and attending tea parties?"

Her father asked lovingly and continued caressing her hair.

"But, Father... I don't even recognise anyone!"

"That won't be a problem, dear. Your lady-in-waiting will tag along. Plus the winter is almost over. I think this is the best time to host a tea party. I will even order special foreign snacks. What do you think?"

"Oh, I appreciate the offer, Father. And I would love to. But, I have a feeling that I would feel left out."

The man chuckled slightly at his daughter's words.

"You know, you haven't changed much. You have always avoided tea parties. Though the reason would be different."

This made the girl finally open her eyes.

"What was the reason?"

"You said that they all were very dumb. And all the ever talked about was dramas and boys. You weren't interested in gossiping."

She was now trying her best to 'know' Asteria. To understand her. Or maybe herself. The information she had recieved till now clearly showed that Asteria was a narcissist who was only loved by the people whom she grew up with. Since, the girl had not left the place after waking up in Asteria's body, she had no idea how people behaved towards Asteria. Or if Asteria had any enemies. Asteria went out to meet the person who stabbed her all by herself. But, why? Was it because no one would trust her statement? Or was it because she was protecting the one she was going to meet? She realised it now. She afterall, knew very little about Asteria. Almost nothing.

"Oh, I see. If dramas and boys are all they talk about, then I must admit that I am still not interested."

Her father chuckled again as he sat down just beside her.

"I think gossips are the best source of being informed about the current affairs."

"You know, Father...you sound like a lady who has attended a tea party countless times."

She was imagining her own father in a glamorous dress. The girl tried to hold her laugh at her own joke but failed terribly. Her father was now slightly embarrassed.

"Okay okay, don't make that face. I will see if I can host a tea party in the coming week."

She said after finally catching her breath.

"Really? That's great, my star. I hope you have a great time."

Her father was beyond happy. He wasn't sure anymore if he wanted her to regain her memories or not. Maybe it was better this way. Maybe it wasn't. He wanted her daughter to make more friends. He wanted her daughter to be like other girls. Other little girls. 'Worrying less, living more.' It was a fact know to everyone in their family that Asteria had wasted her childhood. She made no friends. Had no fun hobbies. She just wanted to impress her parents. So, Asteria had studied hard. She had tried her best.
And in the process of finding her place in her own family, Asteria had lost herself.
That's why her Father, now wanted her to live fully. This was indeed, a chance given by the heavens. She could now attend tea parties, gossip and live like a little girl all she wanted. If she were to fall in love, her father would gladly marry her off. But, if she were to not fall in love, her father would be even more glad to keep her here, all her life. Here, at her home.

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The girl was now standing awkwardly, infront of all her guests. She didn't have a clue on how to start a lady tea party. Though she did a little research before being here, the only knowledge she had was about preparing the refreshments for the guests. And she had indeed succeeded in that field. For variety of food including sandwiches, scones, cakes, pastries and biscuits were served alongside tea in a tiered arrangement. The tea cups along with the saucers were beautiful. They were ordered by her Father from a foreign land afterall.

"H-hello everyone. It is a pleasant morning, isn't it?"

Damn it. Even after practicing the greetings for an hour last night, she sucked at it. It was expected that everyone would give her a disgusted look. Afterall, everybody must have hated Asteria. She was such a narcissist.
To her surprise, no one looked at her with a disgusted expression. All of them were rather... smiling.

"Indeed, it's a pleasant morning. We all are honoured to be invited by you, Lady Elzif."

"Yes, same here. Though I have to mention, I was very worried about Lady Elzif. Thank god, you are okay now. But, it's sad that you have lost your memories. But don't worry, they will come back to you. They are yours afterall."

Both of the women were beautiful and decent-looking . But, the girl had no clue who they were. Ofcourse, how could she? Even the invitations were sent by the servants.

"That's Lady Jenna, daughter of the Eastern Duke. And that one is Lady Rachel, daughter of the Count."

Sasha whispered in her ear to make the question mark on her face disappear.

"Ah...really? The honour is mine that you all visited my tea party. The fact you worried about me makes me...happy."

She said nervously, making her guests chuckle.
The tea party went on and it was clear that every woman present on that table was sophisticated. Even the air felt very formal.

"The tea is lovely. It's been a while since I've tasted something this delicious."

"Yes, the tea is lovely but what piques my interest is Lady Elzif's hair. It's so beautiful."

Said a red haired lady which made the girl stop whatever she was doing with her sandwich.

"Yes I also agree! Do you use something special while shampooing? Maybe...herbs?"

All the guests started muttering and she just sat there, dumbstruck. Asteria was complimented!? Maybe she wasn't as hated as she had expected. So she just flashed them all a soft smile.

"By the way, did you all hear? An imperial envoy publicly announced that our emperor needs to get married. He said that our Empire needs an empress and that the princess needs a mother!"

Said a lady which made every guest start gasping and whispering.

"The real question is, was the envoy spared by our short-tempered emperor?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Our emperor didn't even deny it. It looks like he really needs a mother for his daughter."

"Hahaha! Our emperor is surely different. Everything about him stands out!"

The girl couldn't help but wonder how could they all talk so easily about the emperor? Her father had already advised her to not speak bad about anyone because, anyone could tell on her behind her back. But here they were, backbiting about the emperor himself!

"Yeah, he stands out. His jewel eyes, dressing sense, personality, blonde hair, height.., everything. Even his name is unique.'Claude Alger de obelia'!"

This sentence made her stop. She couldn't believe her ears. Wasn't this the name of the emperor in her favourite novel? Wait... ascending the throne at the age of 18, a dead partner, single father, ruthless, and the Kingdom of Obelia.

"W-what is the name of the princess...?"

"Athanasia. A pretty yet, unique name. I heard she looks like her dancer mother. And she was even named by her."

The girl was aghast and appalled.

Was she in the world of a novel?

Was she in "The Lovely Princess"?

๋࣭⭑Tinted Tulips ๋࣭⭑ [♡WMMAP x OC♡]Where stories live. Discover now