🌼 Impede 🌼

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She was watering her Tulips. Yes, she loved them but, her mind was set on something else. She had decided to save Athanasia but, how would she do that? According to the novel, Athanasia spent her childhood in the Ruby Palace along with the maids. And it was obvious, that she couldn't trespass. It was the Ruby Palace afterall. Plus, if she was caught, Claude would waste no time in executing her. She needed connections! That's right. Connections with someone from Ruby Palace.

"My lady, that's enough! You've been watering the same area for 15 minutes now!"

"Oh right, sorry. My bad."

Sasha could easily notice how her lady's mind was wandering since days. So she had to ask.

"My lady, is everything alright? Do you need to ask something? Maybe I can help."

The girl stopped watering her Tulips and looked at Sasha. She narrowed her eyes before mumbling.

"What do you know about Ruby Palace? No, more like do you know someone from Ruby Palace? What I mean to ask is that if you have any connections."

Sasha tilted her head and furrowed her eyes. This was a very... unexpected question. Especially coming from her lady, who was never interested in the Imperial family.

"Do you really not know, My lady? You're the one who has connections."

The girl faltered and approached Sasha.

"You mean me? I am related to someone at the Ruby Palace!?"

"Yes, My lady. The head maid infact."

That's right. Athanasia was raised by the head maid, Lily. After the death of her mother, Diana, Lily took care of Athanasia.

"Oh my god. Why didn't I know about this? I am related to Lily?"

"That's right. Afterall, every maid working there is a noble. And as far as I am concerned, Lillian York or Lily, which you just called her is your...cousin. How do you know her, by the way? You just called her Lily."

"Sasha, you are the best. You deserve to be the main character. You are always of some help to me."

Said the blue haired girl before she left while humming a song. She seemed happy and that was enough to make Sasha feel happy too.

She knocked on her Father's door, still humming her song.

"Come in."

Her father said loud enough for her to hear.

"Dearest Father. Oh, I simply must exclaim that this day's splendor is rivaled only by your own radiance, and it is my duty and honour to inquire regarding your splendid well being in order to ensure nothing has interrupted your brilliance. How, truly, are you feeling, My Father?"

She said and now, her father was genuinely concerned. He took out his glasses and stood up.

"My star, are you okay? Did anyone offer you Alcohol or something? You should avoid those things, dear."

She shook her head vibrantly and made her father sit back down on his chair.

"Father...I had a request."

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought it was something else. Yeah, go on."

"It's not an... ordinary one?"

"My star, I am the same person who bought you a Dragon Ruby when it was the rarest gem in the Empire. Now, tell me."

Her father looked at her endearingly. Asteria had her Father's dark blue eyes. Though their hair colours didn't match, so it was best to assume that Asteria inherited this rare hair colour from her mother.
Was it alright to ask him?

"Father...you know Lillian York, right?"

Her father nodded his head hesitantly.

"Yes. She's your second cousin. Why? Do you perhaps remember her?"

Atleast Asteria was related to someone in that novel.

"No, well...I... she's in Ruby Palace, right?"

Her father nodded his head again.

"I want to go to Ruby Palace!"

Her father was taken aback. Ruby Palace. That palace was initially built for the Emperor's harem but after the massacre he had done, that palace was occupied by the maids and ofcourse, the princess.

"Why, my star? Do you need something? You know that you can tell me about it, right? I will get you anything you want."

"No, Father. It's not like that. I already mentioned that I had a terrible experience during the time I was unconscious. Since I have woken up, it feels like I have never felt more happier. I cherish every single moment here."

Her father didn't want to let her go. To Ruby Palace? No. Not at all. He had heard from Lily's parents that she rarely, almost never came home. How could he let Asteria go there? Plus, she was the daughter of the Duke who had the most prosperous duchy. She couldn't be serving someone.

"I am afraid, Asteria. That's just not possible. You are my daughter. That means that you are on a whole another level than compared to other nobles. What would people say if they see you in a maid outfit?"

"What if I hide my identity?"

Her father didn't have that soft look on his face anymore. The talks of people was just an excuse, he actually didn't want her to leave. But he couldn't admit that, ofcourse.

"Father, what I mean to say is that I will go in a disguise. As a...poor lady! Only Lily would know my identity."

"But, why? Why in the world do you want to work?"

"Please Father. I beg of you. If you are worried because of my health, I swear that I am feeling better than ever!"

"No, my star. I said it once, and I will say it again. You won't go to the Ruby Palace. That's it!"

"But i-"

"End of the discussion!"

Her father said, a bit too loudly. And it didn't affect his daughter as much as it affected him. He wanted to cry at that very moment and wanted to fulfill every single request of his daughter. But she was the successor. And he could die any day now. She would take over his duchy. She couldn't be serving. What if someone ill-treated her? No. He couldn't let that happen. So, he just put on his glasses coldly.

"Then...I will take my leave."

The girl muttered before standing up and absconding cheerlessly.

๋࣭⭑Tinted Tulips ๋࣭⭑ [♡WMMAP x OC♡]Where stories live. Discover now