✨ Proximity ✨

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"What are you doing here?"

The tall man spoke in his cold voice. He had short, golden hair with bangs sweeping over his jewel blue eyes. He was tall with broad shoulders, long limbs, and had a well-built figure.
But she didn't reply. She didn't answer his question. She had fallen into lament.
Oh, what had she done? It was obvious that Claude would not let them go easily now. She glanced at Athanasia, who didn't seem that nervous. Poor her. Now, Claude was aware of her existence. And the chances of her living that same tragic life had increased again. She could almost hear her heartbeat.

"Why are you here? Aren't you A-"

"Forgive us, your majesty. I am just a maid at Ruby Palace, from an extremely poor family. I was taking the princess out for a walk and it seems that we have lost our way."

The girl bowed politely. Her heart not being as calm as her facial expressions depicted.
Athanasia glanced at the woman beside her and then turned to her father, still clueless. Felix had an expression that clearly showed what would happen to them now while, Claude continued to stare down at them.

"An extremely poor family, you say? But, as far as I am concerned, there are only nobles working at the Ruby Palace?"

Shit. Damn it. She had messed up. How could she forget that detail? And why in the world was he smirking. Oh, she knew that look. That is the look a heartless animal gives to it's prey before hunting it. She glanced at Athanasia who was looking at her, her big jewel eyes not leaving her for a second. She still had not lifted her head completely but it was obvious what he would do with them.

"Who hired you?"

Claude mumble his voice becoming deeper with each word he said.
She couldn't answer that question. She couldn't say Lily. It would put Lily in trouble. She felt a sweat bead form on her forehead. What could she do right now?

"Your majesty, I-"

The girl was cut off by Athanasia who was now standing in between them. Athanasia spread her arms, as if trying to protect the woman from Claude.

"Why are you bullying her?"

Said Athanasia. And her jaw almost dropped. No, my love, that's totally wrong. She shouldn't have said that. She should not have said that! They were trying to survive here, not die for god's sake! The girl glanced at the tall man who was standing infront of them and oh god. Murder wasn't illegal here. So yeah, they had dug their own grave.

"Princess pl-"


This time, she was interrupted by Claude himself.

"Yes, your majesty?"

"I should have a tea with my guests, no? Carry her."

No way. Was he going to have tea with Athanasia!? What? No. It would definitely be poisoned. She couldn't let it happen.

"Athy won't go anywhere without Terry!"

The small girl hugged the legs of the woman beside her. Yes. Great Athanasia. That's how you kill someone else when you are already going to die. But, she didn't mind, since it was Athanasia ofcourse.

"Who said that 'Terry' isn't coming?"

Claude mumbled slowly before turning around and walking away while the red haired man approached them and took Athanasia in his arms.

"Please follow me, miss."

He spoke and if she were to say that she could feel her heart in her mouth, she wouldn't be lying. Athanasia better remember all these things that she did for her. That is, ofcourse, if they survive.

๋࣭⭑Tinted Tulips ๋࣭⭑ [♡WMMAP x OC♡]Where stories live. Discover now