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"Hmm...like... your life."

"Sorry? I think I misheard you."

No, she didn't 'mishear' him. She heard that loud and clear.

"Hah, now did you?"

Oh dear. What a bad day to exist.
The worst part was that in this world, Claude could indeed do whatever he wanted and there were no laws to stop him. Nobody to judge him.

"You should get your ears checked."

And you needed to get your brain checked, you hypocrite jerk.

Athanasia had been real quiet. Glancing occasionally at her Father. Did she really like that Lippe tea or was she lying to impress Claude?

"Papa. Athy dreamt of you yesterday."

Nice work Athanasia. Changing the topic exactly when needed.

"Oh really? What was I doing?"

Claude had that rare and weird smile like smirk on his face.

"There was Terry and Lily and Felix and Papa and Athy. We had a lot of fun. At the end, we were climbing golden stairs. Then you pushed Terry. Then Terry fell. Then Athy woke up."

Now that's some jaw dropping and blood curdling dream you had there Princess. It might sound funny to someone else but the girl could literally imagine herself being pushed by Claude.

"Really. What an amusing dream to have."

He was now staring at her. His jewel eyes shone bright. It was almost like they were emitting their own light. Okay but everything aside, she had to agree that Claude was a little too fine. Sasha did mention that Asteria also found Claude and Felix attractive. Well, can't blame her. They were attractive. Claude was extremely majestic. If it wasn't for his shitty attitude, he could have been very very appealing.
What the hell was she thinking right now!? The grim reaper was staring right into her soul and she was thinking about his appearance? Was she finally losing her sanity? Are these the side effects of being with Claude?

"You may go now. She has finished her Lippe tea. Take her."

Claude finally spoke after turning his head the other side. Without wasting time, the girl carried Athanasia.

"Peace and Blessings upon the Obelian emp-"


Athanasia cut her off which made both of them glance at Athanasia.


Athanasia waved her small hands. She was absolutely adorable.

"Hm. Bye."

Claude looked tired and looked away once again. This insensitive, heartless, callous and what not jerk. How could he ignore this adorable creature?


Both of them glanced at Athanasia again.

"You look tired. Have you not been sleeping well?"

She was being too nice to this jerk. Princess, have some self respect. He does not want to talk to you.

"Athy has a suggestion!"

This made Claude turn his head again.

"Oh? And what will that be?"


As soon as these words leave Athanasia's mouth, she feels her soul leave her body.

"Terry has the best voice in the universe and she writes her own lullabies. They are always unique and fun. Her soft voice and expressions make it even more pleasing. Athy usually falls asleep just on the 15th or 16th line! If you want, I will persuade Terry to sing you a lullaby."

Oh dear. She wished that someone would kill her right at that moment. This was too much to take.
Claude's eyes shifted towards 'Terry' and he had no expression on his face. Was he going to execute her? Or maybe execute Athanasia with her as well? Or maybe kill everyone in the Ruby Palace once again?

"I will...try considering it."

Claude mumbled before looking away once again.

Okay, what now? No please. Don't consider anything. He won't, right? Yes he just said that for Athanasia, right? Right. And with that, she bowed with Athanasia in her arms before leaving.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ㅤ────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──

Athanasia was drawing with the new crayons that her Terry got her.
Athanasia had decided to draw Felix, Lily, Terry and her Papa. She refused to let anyone see her work until and unless she was done.

Meanwhile, the adults were sitting in a circle. Patiently waiting for Athanasia to finish her drawings.
Felix and Lily were staring at her. It was like they wanted to say something but were hesitant to do so. Oh man, what's wrong with Felix now? Why was he acting exactly how Lily had been acting since the past few days. This was killing her.

"Why are you two staring at me?"

"Eh? Oh, just because. Hahaha."

Hahaha no. It was not 'just because'. Something was fishy. But what could she do?
So she just took a sip from her coffee still glaring at them. It was obvious that these two had not heard about the conversation she had with Claude earlier today. If they knew, they would be worried. So, yeah. She had to pretend like nothing happened.

"I am done!"

Athanasia exclaimed, stretching her tiny arms. And all of the adults rushed towards her without thinking twice.

The girl took the painting from her hand and...okay, it's okay to not be good at drawing. Nobody can be good at everything. Hahaha. And she was a Princess. What would she need drawing for, right? Hahaha.
But it was kinda...too bad? No, it was very very bad. Well yeah, a 5 year old drew this, what else was she expecting?

"Haha Princess. Is this me? Wow...I look so pretty. Haha."

She said hesitantly which made Athanasia smile.

"What do you two think about Athy's drawing?"

Felix and Lily glanced at each other. They were clearly not satisfied with the drawings.

"It is very pretty, Princess."

"Right, I look very nice haha.''

They sucked at acting but Athanasia couldn't care less. She had a proud look on her face.

"Should Athy show you all how Athy drew Papa?"

"Yes please."

Felix said and what Athanasia revealed was extremely awful.
She could just hope that Athanasia doesn't show it to Claude or something because then he would kill her right on the spot. And honestly, he would not be blamed. Because the drawing was horrible.

"Athy is planning to give this to Papa on his birthday!"

Way to go, Athanasia! See you in the afterlife.

"Princess. It's getting very late. I think we should sleep right now. You too must be tired, no?"

Athanasia nodded and extended her arms towards her Terry who took her in her arms and glanced at Felix and Lily who were too stunned to speak.

"Say goodbye to Felix and Lily."

Athanasia waved her hands and then snuggled in her Terry's neck. She was excited to fall asleep to Terry's lullaby after 2 days.


๋࣭⭑Tinted Tulips ๋࣭⭑ [♡WMMAP x OC♡]Where stories live. Discover now