🌨️ Sufferings 🌨️

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It was pouring down outside, heavily. This was her second time witnessing rainfall after waking up as Asteria. It was obvious that it didn't rain much here. Maybe because fantasy novels are supposed to be all sun and bright?


She felt a small poke on her shoulder.

"Why are you still awake, Princess? Lily's gonna be so mad."

"It's raining outside."

Athanasia pointed towards the window.


"Let's go and play for a while. Lily is taking a nap."

Goodness. This sly child. She was whispering like a spy on a mission.

"Princess, first of all, it's getting late and second of all, what if you catch a cold?"

"Athy thought that Terry was lenient in these matters?"

"Oh my, I am lenient. But...no risk regarding your health."

She was right. There was no way that she would take risks regarding her health. It was mentioned in The Lovely Princess, that Athanasia had a weak mana core and it could be triggered even with the slightest illness. She couldn't let that happen.
She was caressing Athanasia's golden hair while Athanasia looked away, pouting. My god, Was she sulking?
How can someone be grumpy and adorable at the same time?


Her thoughts get interrupted by Lily's scream.

"Goodness, Lily. What is it?"

"Your father...your father's place...has been set on fire."

She stood rooted to the ground as a haze of fear surrounded her.

"W-what do you mean? What do you mean? Where's Father? How is he? Tell me he's alright."

Lily just stared at her blankly. She didn't reply. Lily never answered her question but, oh dear, weren't those tears that streamed down Lily's cheeks an answer to this question? They were. And how it broke her.
She fell down on her knees, frozen in shock.

"Uncle...Your Father...is no more..."

The words echoed in her mind, shattering her heart into a million pieces. The world around her seemed to fade into a blur as a wave of disbelief washed over her. Time stood still as she struggled to comprehend the enormity of the facts.
Her shock slowly gave way to an overwhelming sense of emptiness, as if a part of her own soul had been ripped away.
Anastasia's confused face was the only thing she saw, before passing out.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ♡₊˚ 🌨️・₊ ♪ ✧
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──

The sun hit her eyes yet once again.
She didn't know where she was or how she was here. Ah, in the novels, they showed that when the characters woke up, for a moment they forget who they are. But why did she remember everything clearly? Every single suffering she had suffered. She remembered Mallory's life and then waking up in her favourite novel and then...losing someone dear to her. Everything. She remembered everything clearly. Though it seemed like she had been sleeping for a long time, something told her that all of this happened like, yesterday?
Without thinking twice, the girl headed downstairs.
And that's where his body lied. So lifeless, yet so alive.
Hesitantly, she started walking towards her Father. Everybody stared at her but no one dared to stop her.
And before she knew it, she was hugging him tightly. Why was he still so warm and comforting? It's so...unfair.

"Asteria? You have to let go now. The high priest is waiting."

She moved her lifeless eyes towards the voice that came from her behind. Felix...
Ah yes. Even at the very end, she was the first to let go. How sad. She wanted to tell him, tell her Father, how she never wanted to break the hug first. How he was the most warm and safe person she had ever met...But, as always, life being unfair. She was the one to let go and break the hug first...

"Are you okay? How do you feel?"

Felix whispered before dragging her into a corner.

"I don't know..."

Felix looked at her, his eyes full of sympathy and pity.

"Lily will be attending the funeral and taking care of everything and every guest. So..."

He took her hand softly, his voice sounding even softer.

"You can rest. There's no need for you to manage anything and meet anyone. We know... there's a lot you have to explain to his majesty as well... since you lied about your identity. He knows the truth now. Well... Lily and I eventually told him. He may punish you or...maybe...fine you or something. But, don't worry. Rest for now. Hm?"

Felix hesitantly caressed her light blue hair.

"Felix...what should I do? Why does this happen to me everytime? When I woke up...I wished to be in a different body. A different world. I don't want to be Mallory...or Asteria. I don't want to be anyone. I am convinced that I can never be happy. Never. In any world. Even if it's a novel...I am tired. I want to end everything. Even if I kill myself, who knows what will happen? It's like someone is toying with me. Won't let me die...and won't let me live."

Felix didn't get most part of what she said, but he did feel her emotions. She was very very tired. And Felix knew the consequences she had to bear after this. Her sufferings had just begun.


Back to the bed from where it all started. The loss had shattered her soul, leaving her engulfed in a hurricane of sorrow, confusion, and despair. Her world crumbled with the weight of the absence. The emptiness consuming every part of her being. Grief permeated her thoughts, her dreams, her every moment, and she found herself grappling with the overwhelming emptiness that had remained. This had changed her perception of the world and her role within it forever. What was she supposed to do now? How was she supposed to be Asteria once again? She stared at the clear night sky. How it all seemed beautiful and how the nature acted that life was beautiful...This pissed her off.

⭑"Nothing was beautiful.", she concluded.

๋࣭⭑Tinted Tulips ๋࣭⭑ [♡WMMAP x OC♡]Where stories live. Discover now