🌸 Adapting 🌸

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"You are Asteria Elzif. Daughter of Duke Daniel Elzif of the esteemed and prestigious Empire of Obelia. As you can see, you're very beautiful with your long, beautiful, light blue hair that just touches your waist. Mesmerizing Dark blue eyes. Even with all this beauty, the real reason why you were popular among the subjects was your intelligence and shrewdness. Rumour was that you had even pasted the pages of different books on your room walls.
Though my lady, you were very affectionate, I must say you weren't the best in expressing. So you always preferred to be silent."

Sasha, the lady-in-waiting of Asteria was trying her best. This was the one thing that was same in both Mallory and Asteria, they both preferred to stay silent. Though it was true that she couldn't get used to the name "Obelia". Because it was the name of Empire in her favourite novel "The Lovely Princess"as well. Sasha continued to brush her voluminous hair.

"I see, Sasha. Thank you for that. Is Father sleeping?"

"Oh yes. He's sleeping. He must be tired. I don't think he has slept a wink since that incident."

"Right. Could you please tell me what exactly happened?"

As soon as Sasha finished brushing her hair, the girl turned around to face Sasha.

"I am afraid I don't know the details, my lady. You just said that you have to save your family's name. So you left the place in the evening. I insisted to tag along, but you resisted. And I had to give up. You had asked me to not tell anyone about it. But, when you weren't back till the midnight, I had to inform the guards. They found your body...in the woods. You were brutally stabbed in your side, multiple times. And the wound was very deep. The doctor said that if we were late, you could've lost your life. Your organs were badly injured and he said that he couldn't guarantee when you'd wake up. Ofcourse I was punished for letting you go out alone, but they let me go today when the other maids suggested that I would be a great help in your journey of regaining your memories."

She was now in her night gown. Taking in everything Sasha had just said.

"Did...I have an enemy?"

"Personally saying...no. Not at all. I mean, someone couldn't possibly hate a person like you."

How could she be in Asteria's body and not have a single memory of hers? It felt like occupying a territory which she didn't own.

"What about my sibling?"

"Ahh yes. You do have an older brother. He's 3 years older than you. Lord Alaric. Though he doesn't show you that much affection, he clearly looks out for you. Now that you're awake, I am sure he would come here, the first thing in the morning."

"Umm...did I have any friend or y'know, a romantic interest perhaps?"

"Please don't take it the wrong way, but you were very picky, my lady. You always found a dismal in people. Ah, but I remember you mentioning that you found the Emperor and his personal guard very good looking and stately."

Asteria sure had a unique taste, no? Directly aiming at the Emperor and his personal guard.

"Isn't the emperor supposed to be old and married with kids? I mean, it'd make more sense if I crushed over the prince or something like that."

"Aaa actually no. Our emperor is just 28. And he ascended the throne just at the age of 18. And yes, he's single. But, he does have a child, who is certainly not a prince, but a princess."

"What!? Really? How is he single but, has a daughter? Is he a hooker?"

This makes Sasha stand up and cover her mouth.

"That's...my lady...a bit rude. We're talking about the emperor afterall. And could you please...lower your voice? Plus the thing is...he lost his partner."

"But, why didn't he marry her?"

The girl was practically screaming now. She never knew gossiping with another female would be this thrilling.

"Y'know what, my lady? We should just sleep. It's late."

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"And you purchased that?"

The girl raised her eyebrow and asked while being seated on her Father's chair.

"Ofcourse, my star. I had no other choice. You told me that you'd starve yourself if I didn't get you the Ruby."

She glared at her father and groaned in annoyance.

"Seriously, Father? You should've hit Aster- I mean, me. For being such a brat. I was practically blackmailing you!"

"Hahaha. Don't say things like that please. How could I? Plus, even if you didn't say that starving thing, I'd still get you the Ruby. Because you wanted it"

Her father took a sip from his cinnamon tea, while she continued to swirl on the chair again.

"To be very honest Father, I don't remember being such an annoying brat. And I think I certainly deserved a beating."

"Yes, yes. When you regain your memories, you will defend yourself once again."

Her father laughed and stood up while coughing while the girl just pouted at her father's words.


"Yes, my star?"

"What if I don't regain my memories?"

"That's not possible. One can never forget their own life. And even if they do, it surely comes back to them."

The girl nodded, not knowing if she had the appanage to do so.

"Just in case, what if I don't?"

"That won't be a problem, Asteria. That won't change the fact that you're my daughter, now will it?"

"But I-"

The girl pauses as she hears a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"I am here, Father."
Said a tall, pale, blue-haired man with the most petulant face ever.
He was him. Asteria's brother. Alaric Elzif.

๋࣭⭑Tinted Tulips ๋࣭⭑ [♡WMMAP x OC♡]Where stories live. Discover now