☀️ Tea time ☀️

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She was acutely disturbed by the thought that Asteria had maintained a diary and it was somewhere she didn't know. Not to mention the conversation she had with her father the other day. Athanasia jumped in her arms suddenly hugged her Terry as tightly as she could. She had missed her.

"Did you miss me?"

She felt Athanasia nod her head while still hugging her.

"Really? How much?"

Athanasia broke the hug to show just how much she had missed her Terry. She spread her arms as wide as she could to depict.

"This much!"

The girl squealed after seeing her trying to spread her tiny arms further.

"Aww Princess, this much for just 2 days? Well, I missed you too."

She put Athanasia down and bent down to her level.

"How is the Emperor's palace? Do you miss the Ruby Palace?"

Athanasia shook her head and gestured for her to come closer with her small hands.

"Infact there are many chocolates in the kitchen."

Athanasia whispered in her ear making the woman chuckle.

"Really? Then what else can we ask for? By the way, did you sleep well?"

She asked while caressing Athanasia's golden curls.
And Athanasia just shook her head.

"Lily did sing the same lullaby. But Athy likes your voice more!"

She giggled and her hands moved to Athanasia's cheek now.

"Looks like you two are having fun talking behind my back."

Lily said suddenly, startling them both

"My god, Lily. Be glad that I am not a heart patient."

Lily smiled softly.
There was just something about Lily that had changed. She looked more...worried. It was clear that everybody was hiding something from her. This was so cruel. She didn't know anything about Asteria. How was she supposed to deal with this all now?

"You are here, Miss Terry."

The red haired tall man bowed politely.
He had a very... pure face. It was hard to believe that someone like him had killed countless people when needed.

"Oh yes, I am."

"You see, as of yesterday, I have been assigned as the personal guard for the Princess by his majesty."

"I beg your finest pardon!?"

"Umm yes. I have been assigned as the royal guard for the Princess. His majesty is arranging for an official one, so you can say that I am rather... temporary."

Okay so what? Felix was assigned as Athanasia's guard by Claude? That jerk who didn't even acknowledge Athanasia's existence is now assigning his own guard as hers? Did he hit his head or something?

"The other day...at the lake, it was clearly visible how much you care about the Princess. I will make sure that something like that doesn't happen again. I will protect her at all costs with all my might and will never let her come close to danger. So please rest assured, Miss Terry."

Great. Now Athanasia had two protectors. Three, including Lily. She had no idea if this was something to celebrate or not.

"You don't need to be all polite with me, Mister. Please exclude the 'Miss' next time you call me."

๋࣭⭑Tinted Tulips ๋࣭⭑ [♡WMMAP x OC♡]Where stories live. Discover now