7. Survivors Guilt

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Truth is / Ned Stark Out now!!

"When we get back pepper is..." dread suddenly filled tony

"Going to be Furious? Yeah". Alisha breathed back

"What if she..."

"She didn't ."

"But what if she did? What if-"

"You can't think like that when we get down there Pepper and Bruce are both going to be fine. Pepper is going to be furious and Bruce is going to be a worry wort. But everything will go back to normal". She assured him Through labored breaths


"Save your energy."

"I love you little sister." Alisha curled into him holding him close.

"I love you Ton... They have to be OK... because when we get down there which we will... we need our people you need peper like I need bruce."


'This is day 22 no correction 21 and I'm here with alisha-' tony said doing another video log.

'Of course im fucking here where else would i be?' Alisha snapped.

'I thought we agreed to keep the swearing to a minimum due to the lack of oxygen and our impending doom?'

'Agh i miss bruce. I just got him back' alisha moaned. Alisha closed her eyes and fell asleep next to tony for the last time his wrap wrapped around her. Her breathing shallowed and then he felt blood.

'Lida? Lida Maria?' he questioned. But she didn't answer and the effort it took to try and wake her took the last breath out of Tony, he dropped unconscious as well.

"The ship!" Bruce ran forward hope filled him as a flying woman delivered the ship to the ground. "Alisha?" The doors opened and one figure appeared in the doorway. "Alisha?" Bruce begged. "Tony..."

'I couldn't stop him' Tony said as he was helped from the ship.

'Neither could we' Steve assured.

'I lost the kid' Tony added.

'Tony we lost.' Steve clarified.

"Tony is... Lida?" Bruce couldnt breathe.

'Lida she's not doing good you need to help her you need to help her right now.' Tony told them as Pepper ran up and hugged him.

"Alisha!" Bruce declared running up the steps. She didn't look alive. But she was breathing.

They put her on fluids and supplements, but it was two long days before she woke up  bruce Had not left her side. She looked like a shell of herself. She looked like a skeleton her bones protruding.

"I thought it was about time I left you waiting while I went up in space." Alisha whispered. Bruce blinked awake and he couldnt believe his eyes.

"Alisha". Bruce rasped.

"Hey big guy."  Alisha answered he held her close and she groaned out

"I'm so sorry." He let her go but she reached out for him still

"No more space adventures". Alisha requested  

"Good idea." Bruce agreed.

"Kiss me." Alisha begged. He sat on her bed and kissed her gently when Tony rolled into her room and she started crying.

'Hey Sis.'

'Hi,' she murmured. He reached out a hand for her and she grabbed his hand. 'Tony...'

'its okay alisha, its gonna be okay.' He told her.

Loving Yous A Little Bit Hard Sometimes / Bruce BannerWhere stories live. Discover now