4. 14,000,605

616 36 0

"Um Mr Stark..."

''I do not want another single pop culture reference from you the rest of this trip, do you understand me?' tony demanded of peter.

'I'm trying to say that something is coming.' Peter told them and they were all blasted in opposite directions.

"Fucking hell." Alisha muttered pulling herself up.

'Thanos!' The masked strangers screamed, the people coming at them were coming in hot. Tony and alisha put up shields and Stephen launched his coat cloak at one of their heads at wrapping around as Tony and alisha blasted through the air following the intruders, their flying man.

'Whoa whoa whoa don't put your eggs in me, please!' Peter screamed crawling backwards as a woman with antenna reached for him.

'Die blanket of death!'

'Everybody stay where you are!' the man in the mask said holding Peter to him a gun to his head.

'Give me back my spider!' Alisha demanded dropping down in front of them jet boosters deactivated.

'i'm gonna ask you this one time where is Gamora?'

'I'll do you one better what is a Gamora?' Alisha questioned, still ready to fry the man if need be. Peter stared wide eyed back at her. "Its okay kid. Deep breaths." She instructed.

'I'll do you one better who is Gamora?' Tony added.

'I will do you one better why is Gamora!' The man under tonys foot yelled

'I will fry this little freak' the man warned.

'Let's try it, you shoot my guy and I blast yours!' Tony threatened 'let's go' his blasters grew threatening large right in front of the mans face.

'Do it. I can take it' he said fearlessly from under tonys foot as tony leveled up his baster.

'No he can't take it!' mantis said still hopping because peters webs were all over her.

'She's right he can't take it.' Stephen agreed still holding up a shield.

'Give me back my spider. You don't have to die today.' Alisha warned.

'Oh yeah you don't wanna tell me where she is? No? that's fine I'll kill all three of you and then Thanos!' he shouted.

"Hold up!" Alisha glanced back at tony relaxing slightly.

'Wait Thanos?' Stephen questioned 'let me ask you this one time what master do you serve?'

'What master do I serve? what am I supposed to say Jesus?' he questioned, his gun still to peters head.

'You're from earth?' Alisha realized.

'I'm from Missouri' he answered.

'That's on earth you dip shit.' Tony told him, ' What the hell are you hassling us for?'

'I'm here to kill Thanos. he took my girl, wait who are you people?'

'Where the avengers man' Peter said as quill released him.

'You're the one that Thor told us about.' mantis declared in awe.

'You know thor?' Alisha questioned stepping forward, 'I thought bruce said he was dead?' she turned to tony and Stephen. "Hes alive?"

'Yeah tall guy not that good looking' quill shrugged.

'Tall blonde and gorgeous' manits told them

'Yep thats our thor' alisha agreed.

'He is not-' quill shook his head

'So we are all wanting to kill thanos? Right? we can stop threatening each other?' Alisha questioned nodding to peter and their giant man under tonys foot still and they nodded lowering their weapons. "Get then lets work together and kill this purple cunt.'


''8° off its axis the gravitational pole is all over the place'' Quill told them.

'Yeah we got one advantage, at least he's coming to us.' Tony agreed.

"Is that a good thing?" Alisha countered. "We got lucky, another moment and strange would have looked like a porcupine." Stephen's gaze turned sharply to her. 

"'we have to trap him, pin him down and get what we need.' Tony said explaining a very brief version of a half assed plan as Alisha decided, but they didnt have a whole lot of time to worry about that. ''we just want the gauntlet... Are you yawning? in the middle of this while I'm breaking this down?' Tony questioned Drax, ALisha turned to their giant man. 

''I stopped listening after we need a plan.' he admitted.

"Wonderful." Alisha murmured. "Dont worry Tony, we got this." Tony paled, they didnt got this, they didnt know who these people were, but they were on the same team, they were all against Thanos. 

''What exactly is it that they do?' Peter questioned softly. Mantis and Drax stared back at him.

''Kick names and take ass' mantis told them confidently. 

"RIght," Alisha drawled out.  ''Fun great this is... I'm gonna go see what Stephen is doing..' Alisha said leaving but Tony grabbed her arm.

'Just get over here please, if all we come at them with is a plucky attitude-' tony went on.

'Dude don't call us plucky, we don't know what it means.' Quill told them and Alisha withheld the urge to laugh. "We are optimistic yes, except your plan, it sucks.' quill told him 'so let me do the plan and that way it will be really good.' Quill assured them.

'Like footloose?' Drax questioned

'Exactly like footloose. Is it still the best movie in existence?" Quill asked

'It never was' Peter informed him.

'I liked it.' Alisha countered softly, and Quill grinned at her.

''Glad to see one of you has good taste.' He told her.

''Don't encourage this' Tony begged his little sister. ''we are getting no help from Flash Gordon.''

''Flash Gordon that's a compliment.' Quill told them. ''you like Flash Gordon?' he asked Alisha.

'Of course!' Alisha declared.

''Like I said, one of you has good taste.' Quill repeated.

''This is stupid.' Tony groaned.

''I'm half human so that 50% of me that's stupid that's 100% you.' Quill informed him.

''Half human?' Alisha questioned

'Your math is...' Tony began.

'Is your friend OK?' mantis asked looking to Stephen, 'does your friend often do that?' Alisha ran to him, calling out his name but he didn't hear her.

'Strange are you OK?' Tony questioned.

"Hey buddy, remember when I said you were my friend when we were being tortured, well you more than I but I dont like my friends in a witchy trance... sooooo," Alisha gave him a little shake. "Come back to us, Strange."

His head was shaking, spinning, he was floating in the air as if meditating but his head was moving all over the place as if he was everywhere and nowhere all at once. Once he stopped he fell from the air but Alisha caught him. Sort of, they both fell a little bit. 

'What happened? what was that?' she questioned keeping him upright as she got her footing. 

''I saw all the possible futures, all the possible outcomes.' Stephen told her.

"Shit, really? How? Never mind, not enough time." alisha countered. 'How many did you see?' she asked as Tony and peter came closer.

'14,000,605' Stephen told her seriously. 

''How many do we win?' Tony asked hesitantly.


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