chapter eight

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Lailah's POV

I spit out the toothpaste that's in my mouth and sip some water, swishing it around. I hear the door and I spit out the water. I walk over and open the door.

"You ready?" Cade asked.

"Yeah, let me just grab my bag."

I grab my bag from my bed as well as my keys from my jean pocket. We walk into the hall and I lock the door. We walk out of the building and arrive in front of Cade's car. I was about to open the passenger side when his voice stops me.

"I know that you want me to drop it, but I have to address it. I want you to be careful. I don't have an any classes with you, so I can't help you if you were to need it. Just please, keep your guard up around Devon. I still don't trust him or his intentions."

"This again? Look, like I told you yesterday, I trust him. This entire thing is a coincidence. Why would Devon target me, anyway?"

"He's clearly still hung up on you. I don't know why he'd target you, rather than just talk to you, but you have to admit that the timing of when this all started is off. Even you can't deny that."

"Drop it, okay? I don't want to have another screaming match with you. Can you drop me off now, please?"

I called Cade last night and apologized. I told him that I was sorry I took things too far and that I didn't want to ruin what we have over some fucking creep.

"Fine, but you can't stop me from caring about you. And with everything going on, can you really blame me for worrying? I'm not going to apologize for actually giving a shit unlike that poor excuse of a campus rent-a-cop."

I sigh as I rub my forehead. "And I appreciate it. Really, I do. But, I know what I'm doing."

I open the door and climb inside and Cade does the same.

"Do you still need me to pick you up after school?"

I shake my head. "No need. Austin's picking me up. We're going to drive around town. And guess what?"


"Since Scarlett failed to pick up Savannah again, guess who's going to be with us?"

Cade starts the ignition and begins peeling out of the parking lot.

"The custody battle's still going, huh?"

"Not for long, it seems. Since Scarlett keeps neglecting her duties as a mother, the chances are looking pretty good for Austin. I mean, he does everything for Savannah and is her primary caregiver. She's a fucking coward. They have a beautiful little girl and she wants to throw all of that away, and for what?"

"Yeah, that is messed up. I'm glad she has your brother to look after her."

"Me too."

"How's she doing anyway?"

"He says that they're doing okay. I haven't seen them in two months, though, so I'm stoked that we're doing this."

"I'm glad to hear. Shit, you need it."

"What do you mean?"

"Do I have to spell it out? After all you've been through in the last few days, someone like your brother is exactly what you need right now."

"I do miss him."

"I know. Just try to enjoy today and annoy each other like old times."

I laughed. "Done."

My brother and I haven't seen each other in a while, so to spend the day with him, even for a few hours, is more than enough.

Growing up, Austin was always protective. Hell, I'm his little sister. His only sibling.

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